Monday, August 31, 2015

Heel to the Power

Heel to the Power
I've heard a little feedback about that last dog attack but you'll have to excuse me if I'm reading it wrong. I heard that this was a deliberate attack by someone who thought I deserved it because 'I wouldn't kneel'. Is that right? I'm going to assume that it is right and continue on with my side of this argument.

Kneel to what? Kneel to the power? What power? The power of darkness? It's too late for me to surrender to the Dark Lord. I've already lived a two thirds virtuous life and have established a permanent place for myself on the side of the light. If I were an occultist, I would belong with the Illuminati. And I did not write those abysmal words; that was just my guitar riff playing in the background. I don't think I should have to kneel to my own power.

Even though I'm publicly exposing this assault, I fully expect to encounter this dog on the sidewalk again because I shared a similar protest the first time this happened and it did not save me from getting chewed up again. And whose disfigured hip has been poisoning hearts and minds with lies in all the years since that first assault? Does everyone know that it was my disfigured hip that was being used by these evil web criminals since I erased it from the web with everything else I had online in 2007 (dating back to 1999)?

These fools think all these repeated life experiences are supposed to give birth to a new fraud industry made out of my songs and writings, but their former employers lost too much money on the last fraud. Their fraud radio chain has disappeared, along with thousands of jobs. TV shows and stars have been kicked off the air. So I think that I'm repeating all these life experiences in order to present myself as the rightful owner of my work and to give the business a chance to recover its losses with songs and scripts that won't have to be removed from the airwaves at any future point. Makes sense - as long as you don't subject yourself to the evil mind manipulation of TV shows that owe me vast sums of money, whose guilty staff want to save their jobs by lying about me.

I was hoping for some feedback on my last song post Epitomes. I like the way I worked the word 'pit' into the title after that vicious pitbull attack, though it was entirely involuntary. Now that I've learned a little bit about my music fans, I'm trying to customize my music for them. Above all, they have a lot of energy and may appreciate my switch to a speedier tempo. They are good dancers, possessing a talent I do not, and I want them to feel secure about dancing to my music, which is why I struggle to produce reasonably intelligent lyrics for them. I think good lyrics are a dancer's greatest compliment. I've also been keeping my songs inside the normal, 'dancable' 4/4 time signature all this year.

That's what I have to say about my last song post. Would you like to hear what I've been hearing about it? I hear that it's mental. Is that supposed to be a play on the word 'metal' which simultaneously attacks people with disabilities? Lovely crowd, this fraud fan club. They're the same people who spent years praising bands that stole my music and TV shows that stole my blogs. Disappointing to see how they are permitted to stay active online after their heroes go out of business. I wonder how long it will last. Oh yes, and I've been hearing more about who writes 'laughs'. Through the whole ridiculous debate, I managed to author and produce a very good new song. They blab about 'laughs' while I'm immersed in intellectual problems around my music: how I should set the tempo, how I should mark the accent, the search for original chord resolutions and lyrics, how I should distribute my words through the chord progression, etc, etc. Living free and clear of their intellectual prison has, I believe, greatly enriched my life.

Whomever rewrote the words to my guitar riff for my somewhat mediocre and entirely innocuous Decent was clearly a person obsessed with gaining power. These power seeking monsters are the furthest thing from a God fearing individual that can be imagined. The only power I fear is the righteous wrath of the Lord, against which man cannot put up the slightest defense. Last week, for instance, a storm knocked out a local power grid. What do insurance people call that? An act of Satan? No, that would be confusing it with the lies made out of my music and writing on television and the radio. Insurance people call such a natural disaster an act of God. And one day, your heart will no longer function and that will be another act of God. As one who may stand closer to the edge of his grave than most of his readers, I pray that I do not place too much faith in the comparatively finite power of television before I succumb to the ultimate power of God.

Loyal readers, please be on the lookout for new plagiarisms committed with my statements. Apparently a lot of you are finding my statements to be as amusing as my scripts. This would make them a target for theft, and George Carlin's extensive plagiarism of earlier statements I shared mostly in 2006 should show you their potential for misuse. Please continue flagging down posts that steal from this account. Don't worry about my 'blag'. It will remain online and gather more readers when it is wrongfully flagged than it would otherwise. But I promise you that any posts you flag that steals from this account will disappear soon afterwards. Thanks again, and I hope the new school year is good to you.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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