Sunday, August 16, 2015

Flags of Our Daughters

Flags of Our Daughters
I have a couple of new ideas for scripts but it's too hard to find a seat in the public library on Sunday. I'll just say hi to my dear supporters instead.

Hi, ladies! I heard about your most recent success with your flagging efforts. Some jerk was bragging about his 'hit' which turned out to be my song! Good for you. These dummies don't even realize that the industry won't touch them anymore. It's already lost too much money from the fraud of the last eight years. Do keep up your good effort. I promise you that I will defer any future hero worship over this affair straight in your direction. You're my heroes.

I also heard about that person who boasted of making a movie every week. Last week must have slowed down production because I didn't post any new scripts. This fool must think that Stanley Kubrick wrote 2001: A Space Odyssey, as well. I think it's a menace to teach such uncreative people film making skills. Nice work, foiling that nasty caper.

To the vulgar, lying creep: who was Dateline's [pardon me, girls] 'penis' again? Too bad we can't yank your tongue out and mash your offensive fingers into a pulp. Seems to be the only cure for criminals like you.

And was that the 'mob squad' I heard passing my block last night? If you scream like that at my shows, you're liable to drown me out. I hope I didn't make you feel guilty about screaming for that band. I don't hold it against you. You're just fellow victims of these creeps.

Time to go and eat my humble pie. I'm sure pleased with how I've been able to control my spending these days. I never knew that sobriety and good sense could be so intoxicating. Let's hope it lasts.
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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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