Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Look Again

Look Again
If you're a fan of mine at this time, don't panic over whether my work is 'hot' or 'unhot'. The true test of that will be when I get out to play in front of crowds. I like my songs, especially my newer ones, and I think they have what it takes to please a crowd. As for my scripts, you should be suspicious of people who bash them. These scripts are good, which is why shows like Saturday Night Live and Family Guy and the Daily Show depended on them so much. And the scripts stolen by such shows were quite often my first drafts, which still had room for improvement. You can see the added quality in my new post of Metaphysical Fitness, for instance. Or in scripts like Bullscent, you can see how I developed the story from its rudimentary form of a husband coming home from work and complaining to his wife.

Not only am I capable of improving my work from the haphazard presentation offered by these premature ejaculators on TV, but I can create new work. They must have been hoping that I they would be able to steal my work in front of you and tell you I stole it from them indefinitely. It's really a flimsy plan, which makes me truly wonder about what kind of drugs they consume. I think a significant section of the public must have a great appetite for my work for a band like the Crystalids to need to steal over seventy of my songs in such a short time and for shows like Saturday Night Live and performers like George Carlin to have to commit so many hundreds of counts of fraud with my scripts and poems.

I'm going to take a look back on some earlier posts now and see what I can do to improve them. I may decide to soften up my language or notice an area that I can develop further, as I did with the 'explosives' portion of my recently posted Ancient Wisdom: Technology post. If I have time, I'll see if I can add another new script this evening.

Please keep up the effort on flagging posts that steal my work. Even if only one hundredth of a percent of you out there do this at any given time, you will still vastly outnumbers those crooks in your effort.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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