Monday, August 24, 2015

The Summer of 2015

The Summer of 2015
I know I said I wanted to stick with scripts through the weekdays, but the information I'm receiving at the moment makes that impossible. So here we go with another statement.

No one tells me anything here and they just let me walk back and forth to the library every day to share these posts while crime after crime is committed with my work behind my back. Yesterday I heard that someone had been caught performing my songs without permission and had been incarcerated. Since his vicious supporters were chanting 'Jesus forgives' while he was playing, I thought that my old nemesis, Dean, was back to his old tricks. But now I hear that it was someone else. Superficial people like his supporters like to seize upon minor errors in my statements to excuse themselves for their major crimes, but the police don't really care what his name is. And if you see any videos of this crime on the web, please flag them.. As for 'it's because he's experienced', I'm going to answer that one now. Are they saying he's more experienced than I am and therefore he should be allowed to steal my songs that come from my experience? How old is he? Has he ever worked in a real job his whole life? Look at my employment history. I doubt their Jesus is experienced at very much more than looking at his face in the mirror.

Superficial, pretentious people try to excuse themselves for major crimes by pointing to the minor errors of their victims. Yesterday I said that I knew about the theft of one of my scripts and now the offender is using it as permission to steal my post. Flag this post and incarcerate the offender.

Arrogant fools who want to be rock stars question rock when someone else outmatches their 'talent'. They survey the crowd with silly questionnaires, asking them 'what is rock'? If rock is not them or their friends, they think it is illegitimate. And the same arrogant fools perform comedy shows that attempt to bash rock. They think that rock is ridiculous if it makes someone else look better than they do. Then as soon as they think they can get away with it, they rip off my tunes and perform an illegal concert with them.

So ends the summer of 2015, the most miserable summer I've spent here yet. This year it was spoiled by the lies that cleared the way for another rock fraud with my newer songs. Last year it was ruined by the lies that cleared the way for someone's tour, wasn't it? The summer before that it was destroyed by the lies that were committed with my songs and blogs on the music and comedy stage. The summer before that was spoiled by fraud with my music. And all I've been doing the whole time is sitting here in the public library, adding more and more posts to my account that have to be repossessed from the broadcasters who stole them.

On a more positive note, my new recording is working out well. I like the way Denial turned out: unpredictable, yet balanced and catchy. It doesn't have a chorus, but seems to flow more with classical type 'movements'. And of course, I like my lyrics. I will try to build on this new technique with my new composition.
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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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