Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Save My Place

Save My Place
My father would be so proud of me right now. I'm actually saving my money. I am no longer forced to stoop to cringing measures to support my lifestyle but I am doing it by choice. It feels good to finally get some control over my spending. Makes me feel like I have a future.

It's so out of character for me to resist spending money that I wonder if I haven't been programmed somehow to engage in this behavior at this time. Saving money is what I need to do to leave here and strike out on my glorious tour. I doubt I would be doing it otherwise.

Things have calmed down a little bit in my life over the last twenty-four hours or so. I can only guess that the pressure of illegal attacks on my work has been relieved somewhat, perhaps by the efforts of my online fans. I've been hearing lengthy accounts of my songs and my blogs being caught in other locations on the web. No wonder I was flipping out so much.

It may surprise my would-be detractors to learn why corporations may favor me over them: because I have more in common with capitalists. These submissive fools actually insult capitalists by trying to prove that one can only get rich by groveling. While I do not take unfair advantage of people, I think my strong individualism and the earning potential of my work compares favorably with those of capitalists.

Last night, seeking more material for my Canadian History series, I viewed a CBC segment about the Americanization of Canada. Contrary to the United States, Canada has traditionally held community values above individual ones. In the last twenty years or so, as a result of a neo-conservative movement which migrated north from the United States, this community spirit has eroded considerably, causing cuts in our social programs. At the moment, I stand somewhere in the middle of this conflict between the individual and the community. While I currently depend on a social program for my survival, the very same community spirit which enables such social programs also limits our most outstanding citizens to a mere 'place in the queue', rather than letting such individuals rise to their full potential. When social programs trap an artist of great earning potential on a social program, the country loses all the money that he could be making were his individual needs valued over community needs. Canada is changing to address this shortcoming, but in the meantime, if I want to make my fortune, I must leave for the more favorable economic climate of the United States. And considering the recent introduction of socialized medicine in the United States, perhaps this cultural influence moves both ways.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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