Friday, August 7, 2015

The Lord Is My Hero

The Lord Is My Hero
I've erased that 'stop the hacking' blog because I can't be sure if hacking is my problem. Google was sure helpful to those assholes who stole my blogs and music, but not a single one of their staff has offered me any sort of personal contact in sixteen years of 'sharing' on Blogger.

I don't find my predicament funny at all. I suffer enormously as a result of no one telling me anything after so much of my work was stolen and turned into nasty fraud behind my back. I thought that I was being hacked in this blog because I can't update more than a few posts without the whole system going haywire. Someone told me that regular updates are needed to 'clean off the shit' from my posts and that's why I was doing it. When I can't update a post, I must use the limited information I have to assume that the post has been compromised.

What's so funny about a bunch of spoiled, rich assholes conspiring against a lone artist to bring his life endless harm? Look at the life I report here daily. Should I be starving to save my disability checks in order to be able to pursue some real justice after I already went to see lawyers about this problem in 2013? Is that funny? I can tell who watches the most TV by the inhuman reaction they have to my suffering. They get a real sadistic kick out of it, just like Nazis. The TV has done a superb job of brainwashing them against me in all the years that it has been parading in front of them with my comedy and music.

What's so funny about a jerk with no talent using my songs or blogs to make everyone think that he or she is talented and that I am not? That's just plain fucking evil. What's so funny about an entertainment business that only wants the internet to offer inferior talent and that cheats when someone on the internet outmatches its stars? That's a menace.

Now, who says they're my hero? I have no heroes left on this Earth. I've already stated this. They've all betrayed me, every last one of them. Maybe they're still heroes to some of you, just for being on the TV, but I want them dead so I can live the remainder of my life in peace. My only hero is Jesus Christ, who comforts me greatly for being on the side of truth and justice in this shameful fight. The hero of an entertainment business that lies to the world with music and laughter must be the Prince of Lies. So if you laugh with them, you laugh with Satan, and you can laugh yourself all the way to eternal damnation with your evil heroes. I hope I die a pauper's death if I must live in a world that rewards sucking cocks over talent and truth.

You think it's funny that I must stumble blind through this crime? Why don't you go all the way and laugh at a blind man trying to cross the street? You guys act worse than prison goofs.

There's a trace of uncertainty in this kind of laugh because, however proudly such poor humorists may strut in their delusions, deep down they have very strong doubts about the moral integrity of their broadcast signal. They can't be sure that a good song from the radio is authentic or a work of fraud. They wonder whether a good laugh on the TV was stolen from the internet. These doubts will continue to haunt them, inhibiting them from supporting new industry stars, until this culpable industry develops the courage to face my truth and give me my rightful place among the leading poets of this age.

When this happens, if it happens, the last concern on anyone's mind will be the well being of the offenders in this crime. My success stands to destroy my enemies utterly. In the meantime, any concern over the well being of these frauds only adds to the woes of their victim. Hilarious.

And get used to me being online because I am not going away. I will one day leave Blogger to build my own independent website in a location that is as well protected as possible. I'm not concerned about being able to generate new content in the years to come, but I bet all those frauds are wondering where they're going to find their hit songs and their comedy scripts when they can no longer steal from me.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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