Friday, August 14, 2015

Forms of Abuse

Forms of Abuse
More roundups? Did I hear that right? Was there yet more broadcast fraud made out of my work in the last week or so? I was wondering why all two of the classic rock station's fans came out to wave their corporate Andy Warhol Rolling Stones T-shirt logos in my face these past few days. More crime made out of my internet posts followed by more of the same punishment for the offenders? Well, if no one came forward to admit the countless other crimes I've been inquiring about here, they're not going to start doing it now.

If we're going to be a socialist country, we must be more careful about who we allow into the public service. I got a note from Human Resources Canada today telling me that I owe them $1,600.00 from an employment insurance overpayment in 2007. Allow me to share the details with you, now that I recall that year clearly.

The crimes that these bad broadcasters have been committing with my work since 2004 were starting to take their toll on my mental health by 2007. These crimes of fraud can largely be traced to the theft of my plays from 1999 to 2001, a crime which must have had support from rogue elements in the CBC and our public service. Since I applied for no retraining program but was suddenly ushered into it in 2000, someone in the public service must have known about my authoring talent at that time. The success that was made from stealing my plays encouraged more and more fraud, so that by 2006, Mike Myers felt quite confident about stealing my Austin Powers character when it was still online. The theft of these works steadily wore away at my sanity until I ended up quitting my job for mental health reasons - though the dust was also a factor in this decision. However, as one whose mind had been so damaged by these crimes against him, I did not know well enough to stay unemployed while I collected employment insurance benefits. While CBC staff and their allies at Human Resources were apparently celebrating the financial success of plays that were stolen from me and credited to their friends, I went right out and grabbed another low paying job to try to stay caught up with my rent.

I'm hopelessly honest and I think I already said that I approached Human Resources within a week or so to tell them that I had found work and that their staff member cheerfully sent me home with the words: lots of people on sick benefits have jobs! Otherwise, I might have been able to pay this debt off immediately. Instead I ended up working at this place for about three weeks until I had to quit for reasons of physical health. The actual reason for my leaving this job did not fit onto a form. Maybe some of the female students who worked there for the summer of 2007 recall me. It was a business that set up outdoor events. We cleaned and folded and stored large tents. Each worker was assigned a table. The students preferred to work at my table. Apparently they found my company entertaining. This irked the supervisor, who invited his girlfriend to the site to protect his ego. Then when his girlfriend wanted to work at my table, he bluntly challenged me to a fight. I didn't think a ten-dollar-an-hour job was worth fighting for so I quit.

On top of this, I went ahead and paid most of the initial amount I owed Human Resources by 2008. I had the debt whittled down to less than three hundred dollars. Then I forgot about it as they charged compounding monthly interest on it all these years to bring it up to a figure even higher than the original amount owed. This is some kind of legalized extortion. And do you know who could easily afford to pay this debt? My Canadian lawyer. All he'd have to do is take it out of that payout check that was issued in my name for Tina Fey's incarceration. But he was conveniently out of the office when I sent him a note by email with my savings account number, instructing him to send me my payment by direct deposit.

My reason for leaving my last job didn't fit onto a form and they wanted me to pay back the employment insurance benefits I was overpaid, so I decided I needed to fill out the form for the retroactive disability tax credit. I approached Revenue Canada some time ago to recover this form, which I did not initially want to use. The clerk told me: I don't have that form. Maybe he's a friend or fan of that CBC comedian who stole my blogs. Or maybe he's related to David Frum.

This government is something else up here. If they're not ganging up on me behind my back to help their friends commit fraud with my web posts, they're refusing me basic information and services. I'm starting to feel ashamed that I ever worked for the government of Canada and I can certainly understand why the common citizen feels such strong resentment towards it. These people are supposed to be public servants and they seem to be on an arrogant power trip. And look at the ugly fraud they supported through the CBC. What horrible people. And what incompetent administrators. My work could be making a fortune right now, creating jobs and spreading wealth and prosperity throughout the land. Instead, for purely egotistical reasons, they're driving me across the border to realize my dream in the United States. I think it's too late to say my work isn't commercial after it filled up half the comedy content on network television and the majority of content on a chain of commercial rock stations for several years, right up to the day I reclaimed it. It would still be all over the TV and radio now, poisoning your minds against truth and love, if these nasty rogue elements in the Canadian government had their way.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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