Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Corporate Coffee

Corporate Coffee
I meant to post this yesterday but the library was closed for the holiday.

(A kitchen. Father and son are seated at the table as mother serves breakfast. The boy takes a sip of his coffee and spits it out in disgust.)

Father: Hey, don't waste that!

Son: But it tastes terrible!

Father: I'll be the judge of that. (He takes a sip and grimaces.) Marlene, what is this?

Mother: Brand name.

Father: Well, what happened to the Corporate Coffee?

Mother: What's the difference?

Father: You just brew up a pot of it and I'll explain it to you.

(A few minutes later, mother serves a fresh pot. With a perverse smile, father holds the pot to his nose and sniffs deeply.)

Father: Now do you smell that aroma? That's the kind of result that can only be achieved through genetic engineering. Go ahead and sip your coffee, son. Can you taste those chemical preservatives? Besides being more addictive than caffeine, they help to seal in quality. (The boy smiles with satisfaction as his father takes a sip.) Mmm, that's a full bodied cup of coffee if I ever had one. Can you guess the secret ingredient in Corporate Coffee that makes it extra robust, son?

Son: Cocaine?

Father: Nope. Good guess, though. In fact, each cup of Corporate Coffee contains precisely one drop of a horsewhipped plantation slave's blood.

Son: Wow!

Voice: Get what you pay for with Corporate Coffee. Brutal exploitation never tasted better.

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© 2007, 2015. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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