Saturday, October 31, 2015

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat
It's Halloween today and I haven't really noticed it. Every day has been like Halloween for me since I started asserting my ownership of my blogs and songs. Stars who ripped me off or played a role in the crimes against me have been popping out at me from billboards and magazine covers and TV sets to shock and dismay me on an almost weekly basis for the last three years. I shun commercial broadcasts and I've still had to report a steady stream of this abuse since 2013. Taylor Swift, Jay Leno, SNL rejects, Dateline, George Carlin, Bill Maher, and Madonna, to name a few, erode my credibility by appearing on the public airwaves after I finger them as culprits. After destroying my image to clear the way for so much fraud, you'd think they'd give me a break from defending my honor now.

I know it's hard to let go of a star who has grown familiar to you over the years or even over the decades. In my case, I've had no choice but to purge them from my heart. I do this by putting them altogether into one group, which I think of as belonging to a dying age, the age of television. I see my appearance as drawing a dividing line between the stars of the past, who were chosen by broadcasters, and the stars of the future, who will be chosen by the public through the internet. I wish someone else could have taken this uncomfortable place, but it seems to have been my destiny.

I've been very busy writing new songs offline. Their quality is perhaps just a notch above my usual online effort because I have spent more time on them. I'm very confident that these new songs have the capacity to please a crowd and I look forward to being the first one to share them with the world from a stage. I hope to get the public to associate my music with its author, rather than have to face comparisons with the nasty fraud bands who the industry has been presenting in my place. I don't feel secure about appearing on a stage if I must still witness concert appearances with hyped up fanfare for the ones who left me to die in disgrace after building fantastic careers out of my music and/or comedy. But I'm still many months away from performing and maybe I can still dream of being able to perform my music under fair conditions. You can see how the ones who stole my work would go out of their way to interfere with my success now. They don't want to look foolish. They'd rather let me go on looking foolish from their abuse.

I like to think that the most impressive element of my concerts is my music, as opposed to glitzy special effects, but I would not be averse to wearing a costume onstage. Costumes are fun. I have some cool ideas for them, actually.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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