Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Spared Change

Spared Change
On closer inspection, that bus stop billboard appears to be a portrait of someone other than Beyonce. I apologize for my confusion. I've been facing such monstrous adversity from violators of my copyrights and the corporate media staff who supported them that I sometimes leap to the wrong conclusion in my blind solitude. All the same, I don't know why they resurrected 102.7 the Peak. Maybe it was to give that 'hateful' singer a spot on the radio with my new songs before he was apprehended. I wish they'd at least use another name for this radio station after it broadcasted so many of my songs without my permission.

I can tell that my new songs are going to sound at least as good as anything I've shared online. I'm keeping them to myself and letting them build up into a full set. It provides almost the same thrill I might get from saving my money.

Someone was curious about whose side I support in the upcoming federal election. Actually, I've become quite cynical about elections, as anyone who saw George Carlin present my opinions as his own might gather. I guess I would find myself voting again for Libby Davies and the NDP this year. I would do this because I think she is the best candidate for my area, which depends heavily on social programs. I would put my immediate concerns aside when I vote and think of the common good because the common good ultimately finds its way back to each one of us. In my case, I'm better off with social benefits at this point than I would be in some low level job. Of course, my ultimate goal is to secure an income through the same work that made so many others rich and famous at my expense. I can achieve this faster with the free time I gain from being compensated for my disability than I would by working around a full time employment schedule. It makes sense for people who depend on social assistance to vote for the NDP. Nevertheless, I hope I can support myself more independently in the years to come.

People in my neighborhood vote consistently 'left' to secure the public gains received from government policies of the last few decades. One might even call their traditional support for the NDP conservative.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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