Sunday, October 18, 2015

We Have a Winner

We Have a Winner
The first part of my blog this morning is addressed personally to Bill Maher. Bill, do you think you're brave coming up to Vancouver's Queen Elizabeth Theatre for a show? I think it makes you a coward. You know damn well that this local population has yet to accept me as anything special and you want to take advantage of it to try to suppress my rise to prominence. Bill, where did you get that line you liked to use so much at interviews about 'sometimes wearing khaki'? Did your friend George Carlin hand that to you after plundering my posts? Where did you get your opinions about how young people may lack certain knowledge from inexperience? Do you think of such things on your own after you smoke a big fat joint? I doubt it. Bill, who wrote your show through the writer's strike? You said it was the stars and the stars were all ripping off my erased posts at the time. Weren't you prominent among them? Bill, why are you a celebrity? Your talent is mediocre. Your act is a yawn. You're the perfect attraction to any crowd who would celebrate a performer's contacts over his talent. And were you ever incarcerated for violations of my copyright or image? I think it's a good question after Jay Leno went out in front of TV cameras with a signed dick. Yeah, have a great show. Get that crowd of yours hating my innocent guts, you criminal asshole. I'm looking forward to performing in your country - after I visit new lawyers.

It's election time here in Canada and that's when the corporate media does what it does best: making us betray ourselves. No better example of this could exist but in how they tricked my readers and listeners into rejecting me by the misappropriation and misuse of my own words and music. Some of their gang like to visit the library to taunt me, as if to admire the destruction they have caused to my image and my popularity with their crime. They like to point out my solitary figure in a crowd and try to shame me for not standing out more. What do they prove by such actions but their destructive obsession?

The stars and the broadcasters kept their crime democratic, making sure their thousands of counts of fraud were confined to as few targets as possible, so as not to offend the majority. I guess they're counting on my readers and listeners to hate my guts for no good reason now.

I recall in 2007, shortly after my first post of Size, a remark made to me by a store clerk. He told me with glee that I had won the lottery. That was before we all learned the extent of crimes committed with my blogs by corrupt broadcasters who get to keep broadcasting after they commit the most murderous crimes. I know what he meant by the remark now. He meant that by sharing a hit song on the web, I had as much as won the lottery. Yes, I know what lottery I won with my popular, ORIGINAL online posts in 2007: Shirley Jackson's lottery.

Good luck with your vote. I even donated money to the NDP back in '08, but I think they valued George Strombopoulos's Tommy Douglas tribute more than my measly three hundred dollars. Good luck with your broadcasters. I hope you never find out, as I did, how much they truly hate you.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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