Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A Funny Calling

A Funny Calling
It's shaping up to be a lovely day here on the 'wet coast'. Hope my Canadian friends had a nice long weekend. I stayed home and watched more Canadian history videos. Great way to catch up on my sleep.

Did I ever explain how I ended up as a comedy author? It was quite inadvertent. My favorite authors are all very serious and I wanted to be like them. I started teaching myself how to write my own literature shortly after I left my Toronto band in 1995, thinking that, at twenty-nine, I had grown too old to pursue a career in music. I still needed to pursue some sort of creative profession and thought that perhaps I might still be taken seriously as an author of some kind. I meandered through a number of literary projects, trying to find myself as an author, and eventually gathered that works of comedy came naturally to me. As I have said all along, I do not try to be a star, but merely try to be myself.

This is why I do not accept the hate I have suffered from comedy stars on TV. I never offered my work to make them look bad or to compete with them in any way. It is wrong to penalize me for whatever wit and charm with which I have been blessed by God or nature. However, now that they have trespassed so deeply into my life and work, I can think of nothing nice to say about such vicious detractors.

Are the computers at the public library still unavailable? I must wonder about the timing of this move: smack in between check days for social assistance dependents. That AC/DC concert was also timed to fall on a day when I might be broke. Imagine the kind of adversity I might face here, with broadcasting corporations herding whole crowds of women into the arms of frauds who stole my work. They've committed a crime so horrible that they can't face the truth of it and would rather try to bury me with another false accusation.

Anyway, I've never been incarcerated at any time in my whole life. They say that if you make it to my age with a clean record, the odds are that you will stay out of trouble to the end of your life. If any people have been trying to spread lies to the contrary, I hope they will be permanently silenced on the matter.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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