Thursday, October 22, 2015

Looking Not Bad

Looking Not Bad
What's with people who want to mock me for being isolated? A person's social life depends on his image and I have had to spend most of the last eight years defending my name in he face of thousands of violations of my copyright. These TV stars have fucked up my life from the very beginning by making my neighbors think I steal their content. And what kind of creep would steal his words from popular TV stars? Oh, let's let them answer that for you behind my back with lies about my intelligence and false accusations of sex offenses. How many years did the world think I was a disgusting subhuman monster?

That takes us to the present, where the assholes who committed this crime are allowed to stick their faces on buses and billboards all around me to make me their victim look crazy. They can't incarcerate me because I'm telling the truth, so they try to do the next best thing: discredit me. And this has been going on pretty steady for the last two years at the expense of further harm to image.

What do people use to socialize again? Oh yeah, common references, like favorite TV shows and movies and bands. Yeah, right. Well one thing they might all have in common is a history of hating my guts. If I wasn't the wrongful target of their hate, now I'm the target of their disappointment. But they are again being steered in this direction by corrupt information.

I have had to be incredibly strong to withstand my knowledge of the crowd's disposition towards me through this experience. I think they've been pretty fair to me by leaving me more or less alone. I think they can sense my innocence, but I'm not rich and famous enough to impress them as much as those frauds. But I can't help writing songs and I like the ones I've been recording lately. I keep them to myself for now and I look forward to sharing them from the stage, along with some tasteful selections from my online repertoire. It might help to at least partially restore my badly disfigured image.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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