Sunday, October 11, 2015

Give and Take

Give and Take
Happy Thanksgiving long weekend, fellow Canadians. Americans, I'll wish you your happy Thanksgiving next month. The rest of you can go to Hell. (Sorry, just kidding.) The whole public library's internet service has been suspended. Oh well. I was starting to get stressed out by all the stalkers there anyway. Had their service service been available today, I'd have let you know I'm taking the day off with them tomorrow. As it is, I'm spending the last of my pocket money on this post and the banks will be closed. By the way, I was online in the library when their service was interrupted by an intercom announcement. There was no sign of any problem with the connection. It must have been an administrative decision.

On my way to check the computers at a different library, I passed the MacDonald's I went to back in 2009 that had been tuned into 102.7 the Peak as it played my old classic Free with a singer croaking out the vocal an octave too low. I recalled how I recognized it at once and had approached the cashier to tell her that I wrote the song she was hearing. Of course, she laughed in my face. Did people like Free when they heard this band stealing it? If it got onto the radio, I guess it was better received than my live version that I posted last year.

If you work in broadcasting and you were in on this crime, you have a lot to learn about giving thanks. We do not thank authors of hit songs by assassinating their characters with lies and false accusations. We do not thank those who amuse us with works of humor by making them hated and trying to get them incarcerated for sharing their own work. I am not your only victim, bad broadcasters. There are a lot of hurt viewers out there. They opened their hearts for my music and humor and you bad broadcasters took advantage of their trust to fill them with your own poisonous hate. Now they're starting to feel the hangover from your dreadful hate party, one which could have been avoided if you didn't think your snotty fruit was so cute as he stood on a stage and robbed me blind. You're evil and I hope you come down with salmonella.

My new lyrics are turning out well. I've been reading Vergil's Aeneid, a style that fits well into my latest composition. These lyrics remind me a little of some of Cream's more poetic sounding efforts. My tracks are well layered and I would only need a drummer and a bassist to support me in reproducing my huge, booming sound live, though I'll probably have to start out solo against my background accompaniment like I do in my live YouTube videos.

Well, readers, I better get out of here now before I go over my budget. See ya Tuesday.
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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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