Thursday, October 1, 2015

Party of One

Party of One
Imagine how boring these stars really must be to have all been so utterly dependent on the words I shared in my posts to sustain their illusion of personality. By stealing my posts and broadcasting my original words as their own, they stripped me of my personality and my charm, leaving the world pining for their company while I was mocked and called 'ordinary.' I wonder what would have happened to those brilliant one liners the Beatles were saving for their first tour of the U.S. if the internet had been around back then. Maybe their blogs would have been plundered by George Carlin so that their charm would have become an obstacle to their success rather than an asset, much as my life has been arranged for me by broadcasting corporations who now want to call me a jerk. Maybe the world would have lost timeless music for the sake of some media pet who thought he was a comedian when he wasn't funny, like that comedian CBC helped to get on Saturday Night Live with my blogs.

I don't invite others to reject culpable stars out of loyalty to me but from personal honor and common decency. That these stars and their broadcasting allies did something unspeakably dirty is irrelevant to the identity of their victim, which could have been anyone at my level of talent who came from outside their private clique, including possibly you or someone you love. On top of this, most of these stars, if they're not total frauds, have been in the limelight long enough and should retire. I know I sure don't need them for a good time. The corporate media, especially the CBC, has proven its arrogance by its support for fraud with my works, which it found preferable to allowing 'one of us' to rise above its own staff. With such people practically dictating public opinion through modern mass communications, truth's triumph over lies and manipulations must be far more the exception than the rule of our society, in spite of all proclamations to the contrary.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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