Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thinking Outside the Idiot Box

Thinking Outside the Idiot Box
Hope my readers enjoyed that last post from Balogne. I think I'm finally starting to produce new and fresh work after inadvertently rewriting three seasons of TV content that were stolen out of my original account.

Maybe now some of you are starting to warm up to the possibility that I have been telling the truth all along about those crooked TV networks and their dirty fraud. Once I establish ownership over my property, I guess I will have to battle to restore my image from all the damage caused by the evil lies spread in the population to 'justify' this horror committed against an innocent artist.

Are they on TV pretending to be indignant? That seems to work well on gullible TV viewers. Well, as long as they have you looking at me like I'm on the ten most wanted list, I think it's only fair that I should tell you my side of their motives.

They stole my work because I'm talented. They want their TV shows to be as well written as my blogs but they don't have my talent. They ganged up on me because I'm alone in the world. They are nasty predators. Most of all, I think, they made a mockery of my work because it is good. The evil hate the good. If they had to make a blood sacrifice to Lucifer to get their job on SNL, they would resent me even more for my strong faith God.

I'll see what I can do about providing you with some sort of Saturday amusement if that's what you've become accustomed to. You sure won't get it from a bunch of hateful crooks who steal material from the internet and tell murderous lies about the author - at least not as long as I am online to defend my work against their sticky fingers.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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