Sunday, November 8, 2015

How's Their Hate?

How's Their Hate?
I wonder if I'm into any new characters yet for my Ahead of Their Time series. As with my songs, it is easiest to prove myself as the author of my blogs by creating new characters that compare favorably with the characters stolen from me by the TV networks. I don't need to watch Saturday Night Live to know that my script from yesterday would have been the best portion of their show had they plagiarized it like they did with so many hundreds of my other works. They are inferior authors who have proven their insecurities about their creative talent by their outrageous, decades spanning fraud with my creations.

Funny how people see me standing in a soup line and think I'm not suffering any hate. If they saw Mike Myers standing in a soup line, they'd know he was unpopular, but he made so much money from stealing Austin Powers from my scripts that he'll never have to stand in a soup line like his victim. Add up all the love that went to that list of stars in my profile and ask yourself why I need to rely on public assistance and handouts from charity. And do the broadcasters say it's my fault? And this is not hate? This hate is even worse than the stupid, misguided hate that was stirred up against me by all those untalented jerks when they were worshiped as stars with my blogs and songs in the first place. Now the fucking broadcasters want you to thank them for their greedy, murderous crime.

I saw a video today about FDR in the 1930's. Did you know that that Franklin Roosevelt instituted a public program for artists in the 1930's to spare them the kind of life I've been living from the 1980's to the present? Roosevelt strongly believed that artists should not be wasting their talent 'digging ditches,' as he put it. I would have been better off under Roosevelt's New Deal in the 1930's than I am now, in our so called enlightened modern age. So much for progress.

Last night, I had another look at Alex Jones's Endgame. Jones can go a little overboard with his accusations and his facts aren't always straight. For instance, Edward VIII abdicated out of his love for a married [or divorced?] woman, not due to any associations with Hitler. But Jones's heart is in the right place. He is right to be suspicious of the ruling elite who have proven themselves in my world to be extremely corrupt and destructive in their misuse of power. I wish him good luck in his campaign and I hope that others like him will rise up to question authority.

This internet is not looking very good to me at the moment. I've poured my heart out on here and had to see my noblest efforts turned into a crime so foul that its cowardly perpetrators among the corporate broadcasters can't bear to face the truth of it. Did you think the web was here to give us a voice? It looks to me like it is here to strip us of more of our rights and even of our personalities - if we have them. If the outright theft of my personality by braying TV stars isn't proof enough, look at the wholesale conformity being promoted by sites like Facebook. Yes, the real enemy of the ruling elite is the individual. They need people to fit like identical components into their power structure. They need the individual to somehow find himself a bureaucratic category as it is listed on a ridiculous form. This modern world is a nightmare for anyone with any true sense of freedom. Now, off you go to thank some pea brained media pet for this insight, right? That's what happened last time.
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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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