Thursday, November 5, 2015

I Know What I Love

I Know What I Love
I distinctly recall seeing my Canadian History script about the Real Rebellion being broadcast on TV in 2007. Who broadcast my sketch without my consent, CBC? Did you tell them to go ahead and dismiss my authority because I'm just a paperboy from Renfrew? Why was it on TV if my scripts are so 'stupid'? Did it make Canada look like a target of 'more clever' talent from another country? I guess CBC doesn't care about that. Did you think I insulted Canada? I don't think I insulted Canada with my satire anymore than Swift insulted Great Britain when he suggested that his country's poor might be fed by roasting small children in A Modest Proposal. On the contrary, that was perhaps his most celebrated work.

I hope I've just about caught up with all the Canadian History scripts I posted in 2007. I'm not sure if I made it to posting Conflagration, though I recall previously attempting to write the work and abandoning it in mid paragraph. I think I may have posted a little something about Canada's ill fated fighter plane, the Arrow, as well, did I not? And did I say something about how the pilot offended the Americans by performing a victory roll over the skies of the Pentagon? Anyway, if I wrote it, they stole it. Now's your chance to like my work for its content, instead of just being hypnotized by blinking lights while it is spoon fed to you by greedy and unscrupulous broadcasters. I personally think life's hardly worth living if we're forbidden from loving things like poetry and humor and music strictly on their own merits. How can you know if you love anything at all once you've been steered into loving dirty lies?

Who wants to call my work stale? Someone should tell the headset person next to me in the library that Sympathy for the Devil has been playing on the radio for almost fifty years. But it's not stale, right? My stuff is stale after it was going to stay on the radio in the name of fraud bands for the rest of time and before I can even get past a million untalented TV hacks to reach a stage and perform my music. Oh, but let's hear some more classic rock from the Rolling Stones. And have the TV programmers thought of any new exciting formats lately? How about another talk show? Right. I'm glad I pay no attention to the stupid hypocritical putdowns of overpaid criminal assholes who are clearly permitted to bash the shit out of their victim in public every chance they get. I need my brain.
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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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