Thursday, November 12, 2015

Original Sin

Original Sin
Back again after not much of a rest on the Veteran's Day holiday. I learned a little about the birth of public relations in the twentieth century from another history DVD. I think it is worth sharing this knowledge with my readers. Alex Jones may also appreciate the information - if he doesn't already know about it.

The field of public relations was largely pioneered by a man named Ivy Lee, known to his peers as 'Poison Ivy'. One man even said that he was 'below the level of a hired gunman'. On April 20th, 1914, in an incident which has come to be known as the Ludlow Massacre, John D. Rockefeller's troops burned down a tent city that was erected by striking coal miners and opened fire on them from an armored car, killing sixty workers, including women and children. The public were outraged and Rockefeller became the most hated man in America. To restore his reputation, Rockefeller turned to Ivy Lee, who specialized in appealing to public sentiments with artificial gestures. Thus, the 'humanitarian' Rockefeller Foundation was born. The striking miners eventually went back to work and the whole nasty incident was forgotten. Rockefeller wasn't even so much as arrested for the mass murder.

Public relations is a field that specializes in improving the image of mass murdering tyrants like John D. Rockefeller. As such, it appeals to the public in a way that causes the public to betray their own interests. It is a guiding hand, now reaching out from your TV or radio, that directs you to self destruction. It is a slick lie offering absolution to the wicked in exchange for big bucks. It's more evil than the papal 'indulgences' sold by the Vatican which led directly to Martin Luther's protest and his followers' split with Rome.

By making corporate criminals look good, public relations makes innocent victims like myself look like shit. Here I am with volumes of content showing in my blogs that were stolen from me by those precious fucking networks and I'm still stuck in a public library, defending my reputation. And who said yesterday that my hero was evil? Who's my hero now? Didn't I already say that I have no heroes? My heroes have all betrayed me. ISN'T THAT HARD ENOUGH ON ITS OWN FOR ME TO ENDURE? DO YOU WANT ME TO DEFEND MY REPUTATION AT THE SAME TIME??

If you want to defend your soul from this kind of evil manipulation, don't support corporate broadcasts. That means don't watch TV and don't listen to the radio. And if you don't take my advice, don't say I didn't warn you.
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