Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wrong as a Life Crime

Wrong as a Life Crime
'Disputes: Coveting

An artist doesn't covet his own work. A song featured proudly on the front of a fraud's web page might be buried deep and gathering dust in the author's collection. People steal songs to show off with them...' (From my 2013 post, How to Detect Fraud - statements index.)

Am I expected to get into a war of wits with a song thief over the title of my song Class? Has this song been forced offline by any disputing ownership claim since its reappearance in my YouTube set, The Prodigal Songs, in 2013? Must I say that I will not be using Class and merely leave it in my online account because I own it? Must I publicly name every song of mine over which false claims have been made to establish myself as the author? I would like to avoid a situation in which I spend more time repeating myself on the matter of my legitimacy than developing my creative works. If you're a regular consumer of my posts and you see a conflict between me and someone else on the web, I invite you flag both posts and to simply wait for one of us to erase the illegal post from the web. As you're waiting, I expect to receive the benefit of the doubt from you by now. I prefer to let the police do my arguing for me in these matters. And if the offending post reappears after a while, I expect you to flag it alone.

What did I call yesterday's statement the first time I posted it? Cyclops? I like my new title better. Is it true that someone in AC/DC knows how to draw? Well, what can I say? I can be an ass when my pride is getting stepped on in a soup line. My recollections of 2007 have been almost fully restored now, in spite of the zealous efforts of broadcasting corporations to erase that year from our memories, bringing to light another possible unresolved violation of my music copyright. Breaking down from public pressure which I could not fathom at the time, I erased my music videos from YouTube, leaving the account online, in October 2007. I had a lot of songs and it took me over an hour to individually erase each one. Shortly after, I began noticing my songs playing the radio. One of them was Easy. This predated the theft of that song by the Crystalids. Can anyone out there recount this crime? I protested online and the offending recording disappeared from the airwaves, at least temporarily. What band tried to steal Easy from me in October 2007? Does AC/DC know?

[September 17, 2015:] And who is organizing this big stadium event? The same people who invited Madonna here to trample all over me in 2008, followed by U2 the next month, who delighted in dressing me in a shirt with the words FORKLIFT DRIVER emblazoned across my back? Could the band have got this idea from my original 2007 script featuring a fictitious crew who wear t-shirts marked with the words NAIL DRIVER across the back? (These were the only large shows in which I worked on production, though I think humiliation is a more apt term for that job in my case. After a handful of five hour shifts, converting the floor of the Thunderbird Arena for hockey games, I returned to full time unemployment by mid 2009.) Do these concert organizers recall who tried to steal Easy from me in October 2007? I lost track of my music after one of them stole my copyright cassette from my friend the previous year. They should recall these crimes better than I do. [End of insertion.]

Born to create and share, I could not stop myself from adding a new song, Virtue, to my empty YouTube account the following week. This was just meant to show that I was the one who writes new songs, and I soon erased it. Within a few days, I saw the Shards playing it on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. I still had my Blogger account online and used it to protest. However, looking back through my posts at that time, I found so many protests of thefts of my works that I thought they were starting to look more like a beacon for frauds than as a deterrent to their crime. I managed to gather a few more new songs in my otherwise empty YouTube account - songs like Therapy and possibly even Epitomes - to let people know I was still 'in business,' but I was alone through this initial experience, with no one beside me to tell me I wasn't crazy. This was a strong factor in my eventual decision to erase both my Blogger account and my YouTube account in November of 2007 - a mistake I will not repeat, if only to keep the public record straight about who authored my work.

The ones who stole my works knew that I was producing them all from my life experience, which they expected to fluctuate too much to allow me to ever reproduce them from scratch with no memory of my existing copyright. Instead, what appears to have happened is that my life experiences around the works I wrote and shared and then erased have repeated, giving rise to the rebirth of the songs, poems, scripts, stories, statements, and cartoons that first came from them. I do not author from my brain, but merely through my brain, as part of a refinement process. The source of my work remains my experiences and my heart. As such, crimes committed with my songs or blogs by vicious online predators attack my very life.

This morning, I brought with me some information on safe narcotics use from a local non profit organization. It will provide the source of my next work of humor, a parody from my real life that has practically already written itself and which may well, too, have been previously shared.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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