Monday, September 21, 2015

Sense and Disability

Sense and Disability
I recall when I first found occasion to visit the Union Gospel Mission in October 1995, a few months after I landed here from Toronto. I thought it was great. The meals were tasty and nutritious. And it was by the love of their volunteers that I found myself returning to a faith I had all but abandoned since childhood. I managed to stay employed for most of the period between then and 2007. Following the wholesale plunder of my blogs and songs by broadcasting corporations in that year and the wretched poverty it imposed on me, my wait for a kind handout from this charity has become extremely stressful. Yesterday I thought I would try my luck for a free coffee. I was only in there for five minutes, just long enough for some stranger to call me Hairball. I returned for dinner, wearing my ear plugs, but they didn't protect me from someone shouting shut the fuck up! as I headed for my place at the back of the queue. There I sat alone and innocent, absorbing more name calling in the form of Hitler and Bighead. That was all I had to take until I returned for my evening coffee. It sounded like the person behind me called me a Seattle cocksucker, though there was a Seahawks game on the TV. Yes, they love their blog stealing, music stealing television down at the UGM waiting room. It might help to explain the treatment I receive from their more unruly clients. It sure makes it hard for me to save my disability checks under these conditions.

And are the ones who stole my work being hassled? Oh, poor them! Let me just defend myself against some of this cruelty now, and if you're offended by my defense, I must ask why you need to come here and read my posts every day. Let's start with Hitler. Jon Stewart went to prison for that one. But I suppose going to prison for ripping me off and lying about me on television is a badge of honor to some of the guys I'm forced to eat with. And before you call me Bighead, did anyone see that portrait of Beyonce on the bus stop at Commercial Drive, and 11th? Her head must be six feet high in that thing. So this character walks by the gigantic head of a prosecuted violator of my music copyright who was incarcerated in 2014, and as soon as he sees me sitting behind him, humbly and silently waiting for my free meal, he calls me Bighead. As for Seattle cocksucker, well, I think Vancouver refugee would be more appropriate, given the information in this post and in almost everything else I've had to share online about my experience of the last five years.

Oddly enough, I'm probably better off to be treated with this kind of disrespect than I would be if I had the credit I deserve for all the hit songs and entertaining scripts I've shared in the last ten or twenty years. Once you're famous, you can't live a normal life any more. Strangers either insult you out of hate or they clamor all over you out of love. Since I can't escape into my limousine the way those industry heroes did when they had my work, I would rather be rejected and allowed to at least have a little personal space. Yes, being famous is unbearable without the money to insulate you from the crowd. Even the most loved among the wealthy stars would have to put up with daily abuse like the above described if they suddenly ran out of money. Wealth is not so much a luxury as it is a necessity when you're famous.

But I'm 'protected,' right? Just not against pitbulls. And not against hate. And not against starvation. Right, great protection. Have the corporations learned all they need to learn from their favorite lab animal yet? When am I going to be euthanized out of humanity? Corporations sponsored Doctor Mengelese's experiments, too, didn't they! What did he do to those twins again? Oh well, they know. When I toss and turn in my bed all night from some new abuse, I just know they're taking notes. The only thing missing from the scene is the bloody scalpel. I wanted to be an artist, not a lab animal, but I'm not rich enough to have my way.

Make sure to warn your children about the internet. Tell them that the more love you put out, the more hate you will get in return. Don't lie to your children. Let them know what kind of a life they can look forward to if they have talent like mine. I heard about that story last week: Will David Survive His Talent? Well, if David must survive his talent, his talent must be a disability. And yet David is envied and consequently hated for his disability, rather than pitied. Can you explain this, NBC? How about you, Warner/WEA?

[2:05pm:] With respect to what I said about people getting in my face less when I am hated, there are the occasional exceptions, such as the man who leaned in and whispered the word hack into my ear as I climbed the escalator this morning at a few minutes past ten o'clock, increasing my pace to get in front of a large group of schoolchildren. Who was this stranger? David Frum's nephew? Beyonce's chauffeur? Why did he visit the library this morning? Was it just to share his stupid, lying putdown with me? Didn't I already document a similar assault by the same stranger somewhere in my past statements? Didn't I ask if he stalked me to make sure that he could accomplish his mission? Okay, let's talk about being a hack. Did I hack my notices of known and suspected violations of my copyright at the top of every blog I've posted since 2011? Do they let hacks walk down a public street every day to post things like that in a public library? Did I hack my disclaimers at the top of this page? Maybe if he read them, he'd see that I'm a victim of massive network fraud and the very last person in the world who deserves to be called a hack. I struggled to author my scripts and poems that those stupid stars performed for him. So far, every one of the stars I've exposed as frauds in this account has been convicted and incarcerated for their foul crimes. As for the networks' news reporting, I expect that at some point, it will no longer serve their best interests to hide this giant broadcasting offense from the public. By documenting the harm that their cruel policy of shunning the incarcerations of their wealthy stars at my expense has visited on me almost every day, I'm making a strong case for defamation and personal injuries. The amount of money that they would lose in court to compensate me would be more than that which they would lose by any decline in viewership from admitting their fault.

What happened to the AC/DC posters promoting the big concert tomorrow? They're gone. Are they not coming now? Did anyone find out who stole Easy from me in October 2007?
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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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