Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Verse Discrimination

Verse Discrimination
I don't mind bashing this Heaven where the business has been sending frauds who steal my online posts because I don't think it's worth going to. Who wants to stand around and party with a bunch of snobs who think they're great just because they enjoy some social advantage? That would be boring. They have no real talent and there they are, cluttering up a place that is supposed to be reserved for talent. It looks more like a fishbowl of fools from where I'm standing. And what do these superstars have to say once you take all my words out of their mouth but look at me! I'm a star! YAWN! It makes me regret that I possess the talent to 'rise' to such an abysmal paradise. I think I would have been better off without my talent.

If you want to know the source of most of the hate you may see attacking my online posts, it is untalented, self appointed competitors. They lack the talent to draw my readers or listeners away with their own work, which they try to make up for by bashing my work. I would trace their lack of talent to a lack of humanity. Their motives are entirely selfish and tells in their own feeble attempts at authoring. Up until the internet came along, their jobs might have been safe. But now they want to stay in business by trampling new talent on the internet. I am more than strong enough to tolerate their abuse and I will survive to rise high above them and their pretentious Heaven.

The hateful are attracted to my work simply because they need my love, which they are unable to find in their own hearts or from those others like themselves who make up their circles. The source of their racism is probably a deficiency of some kind, whereas I can be proud of being an artist. Since my childhood I have been admired for my talent. And there was another boy in my class who had outstanding artistic talent. And guess what, racists, he was black! And we were friends because we shared our special gift from God! You see, I don't need to be proud of anything superficial like the color of my skin because I can be proud of my talent.

I must wonder about these show business people who draw their pay from spending all day online, telling lies about me. This is an extremely destructive enterprise and would not look very good on a resume. I will have no use for such people, myself, so maybe they should start training for another career before it's too late.

Lastly, it seems that some people out there are desperate for me to take credit for a 'verse' that I don't know about. Are we sure it's my verse? Is it beautiful? Does it agree with everything I've shared in the last three thousand pages? Who wants to credit me for it? The same ones who denied me credit for thousands of other works? Please carefully analyze this information before passing judgement on me.

I'm confident that I will come out on top in this struggle because I am dynamic. Notice how this last fool got stuck with old songs that have less appeal than the songs I'm sharing now: Redundant, Insidious, Denial, and Epitomes, for instance, which are extremely well written and capable of bringing rock firmly into the twenty-first century. Please keep an eye on these music posts, which should only appear exclusively in my account. In 2007, I simply stopped adding to my music, which gave the criminals a static, easy target to exploit. But now by adding daily content, I fluctuate too much for them to pin me down with any more of their childish fraud. I will continue adding to my repertoire to the end of my life. And the stars who tried to suppress my popularity with their wicked fraud await my onstage debut with sheer panic and would surely welcome any fool who would try to follow in the footsteps of their precious Crystalids with my songs.
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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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