Friday, December 11, 2015

Classic Flicks: Passive Resistance

Classic Flicks: Passive Resistance
Narrator: Tonight, don't miss the spine tingling suspense of Passive Resistance.

(A large, peaceful demonstration. A uniformed negotiator has just returned from a meeting with protest leaders to share his report with his captain.)

Captain: What's the word?

Negotiator: No change.

Captain: Did you make rude faces at them?

Negotiator: Yes.

Captain: Did you put ants in their pants?

Negotiator: Yes.

Captain: I see. This may require some decisive action. (Speaking to the protestors through a megaphone) It's no use sitting on the floor and refusing to move. We have you surrounded.

Protest Leader: (Shouting back) It's no use standing over us with bayonets. We're not moving.

Narrator: Let this gripping tale hold you motionless as your personal issues disappear against the passion of a generation. That's Passive Resistance, tonight on Classic Flicks.

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© 2007, 2015. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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