Saturday, July 11, 2015

Fools with Power

Fools with Power
I wonder how deeply people have thought about the ultimate source of their misery. In most cases, it can be traced to the irresponsible use of power by one who is unfit to hold power.

What makes a person fit for power? The person most fit for power over others is the one who may sympathize with the greatest number of his people. This gives an intelligent leader like Obama an edge over a dumb leader like George W. Bush. (Let's not confuse W with his reasonably intelligent father.) This edge is not just intellectual but moral. An intelligent person can be occasionally dumb, such as when Condoleeza Rice wasted her gifts propping up a corrupt administration (though I would have been grateful if she could have written W's speeches in the spring of 2004, instead of leaving David Frum to steal them from my online posts) or when Leonard Cohen stole my poem Buck Henry or even when I inhale smoke from burning tobacco. Such humbling mistakes help an intelligent person to sympathize with a dumb person. But a dumb person like George W. Bush can't be intelligent. He can only envy and hate the intelligent and perhaps even go out of his way to destroy the intelligent.

Did voters think that God favored George W. Bush just because he called himself a Christian? Then why did Hurricane Katrina make such a shambles of his war plans in 2004?

Dumb presidents like George W. Bush give way to dumb stars like the Crystalids with my LP's or Nickleback with one of my hit songs or Tina Fey with mountains of my dialogues. A recent report of such a star ordering his workers to call me a joke shows the unsuitability of the stupid for stardom. Who would possibly find the gang rape of a solitary starving artist by dozens of wealthy spoiled stars funny? Only someone who is too stupid to understand the difference between right and wrong. And when we have people this bad in positions of power, it threatens to drag the whole population down to their level. Normally we would be protected against their stupidity by being able to reject them on the basis of their stupid work, but these bums had my intelligent songs and my intelligent blogs for years.

I do not write songs or blogs to make people feel stupid. If I did, no one would like them. As an artist whose work has been embraced by multitudes, I occupy a special place that lets me see more than the average person. It is a very high place, but without money it is not always a joyful place. I see it as my artistic duty to use my talent to offer others a hand up to this peak and let them enjoy it for themselves. But the stupid stars who stole my work use such advantages strictly for selfish and destructive aims.

As long as we're heading into another Saturday night, let me share some thoughts about Saturday Night Live. I am old enough to remember this show from its very beginning. Sometimes it was good and often it was bad. The same is true of Monty Python's Flying Circus, though their movies are hilarious. The only sketch comedy show that I recall being consistently funny was SCTV in its first two seasons under Harold Ramis. I would have to list SCTV as perhaps the chief influence on my comedy. So wasn't it odd that from late 2007 to 2010, Saturday Night Live stayed funny through show after show? (Throughout 2007, while my work was still online, Saturday Night Live only butchered my scripts, rather than plagiarizing them.) Their 2007-2010 streak was only possible by being able to draw from a vast, illegal resource of inspired work that came from a real life, my life. It was beautifully written work, sometimes even consisting of poetry. By all accounts, the public wildly embraced this work. And they used this work to promote themselves by destroying its author. They used it to manipulate the crowd into loving hates and hating loves. Now people know about it. Their 'head writer' and her chief accomplice went to prison. After stealing poetry, the whole twenty member cast should be putting their empty heads together to make every show rhyme from top to bottom. If they handed me their script, I could do it. But this stupid, dirty show would rather now try to prove that it never needed me. Stupid stars take forever to face reality.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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