Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Hearing I'm Dead When I'm Alive

Hearing I'm Dead When I'm Alive
Hey, everyone, I'm dead! No, I'm not alive here in the public library, typing this post. I'm dead because I'm just a goof who was supposed to write hit songs and decent comedy for all those cool stars on TV. So there's no way that I could ever be as cool as them and make any money from it myself. All I know how to do is write them and share them and let better people get rich and famous with them. That's why I'm sure you're all hoping that I'm dead now. I'm sure you find all this information about the thousands of counts of fraud committed by your trusted broadcasters and their stars to be more annoying than anything else. You probably hate that story about David and Goliath because it doesn't end right. It should end with David missing with his sling and getting crushed under Goliath's foot. That would have been more satisfying for all you people out there, right?

Of course, I don't think any of the millions upon millions of trusting TV and radio consumers wish I were dead. The only ones with such a death wish would have to be among the thousands upon thousands of violators of my copyrights and their supporters. I guess we don't have enough prison space to keep them locked up long enough to give me any measure of peace.

It's always the same. I let on that I'm tired of blogging and that I'm going to quit for a while and then these fucking pricks jump all over me and try to start another fucking fraud party, which demands my death. For fuck sake, their whole fucking world depends on my DEATH! How can you let these bastards loose on the internet after all the harm they already caused? These assholes thought I was dead in 2007 or they wouldn't have dared to steal every word of my blogs and every note of my music. We don't have a Christian Fascist lying fuck for a US president any more, but the harm he caused with his fucking lies and hate extends all the way to the present.

And as long as I'm on the subject of death, let's talk about Heaven. I've already said repeatedly that these frauds couldn't possibly steal my Heaven because they couldn't even imagine it. My concept of Heaven is of a place where truth triumphs for the greater glory of God. That means that I could be in my Heaven right now. But their Heaven was a place where lies appeared to triumph for the advancement of Satan and free blowjobs. They already enjoyed this stupid paradise and I wouldn't want any part of it.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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