Monday, July 6, 2015

Soul Victim

Soul Victim
I have time to add some more text to my blog now that I finished up that last song. Hope you liked it. I'm going to get more philosophic with my lyrics for the next while and I'm going to try to keep my music festive sounding. Was there someone on TV to make me look like a liar in the last couple of days? Well, these flimsy tactics used by major broadcasters to lash out at their sad and defenseless victims usually don't last. Isn't NBC horrible? Remember how their TV shows covered up each others stinking crimes? Tina gets incarcerated and gets a rousing welcome on the Tonight Show as soon as she is released. Dateline also helped incarcerated stars, especially NBC stars, to regain the trust of the population following their unforgivable crimes in 2007. But how do we explain this hate that major broadcasters have had for me from the very outset of my writing 'career' in 1999?

It's supposed to be illegal to unfairly discriminate against people, but broadcasters have been unfairly discriminating against me from the very outset of my online appearance. I suppose I got a break for being white, but there were still plenty of things to hate about me among certain poisonous members of the broadcast media. We have the most obvious example in the person of CBC's David Frum, President George W. Bush's former speech writer, who thought that a 'paperboy from Renfrew' doesn't deserve to be recognized as the author of his own work. How can we begin to fight discrimination as long as we have bigots like that working for national broadcasters? This helps to explain why CBC wanted to destroy me: because I'm from a small town and I haven't been very lucky with finding gainful employment. Is it legal to discriminate against someone for these reasons?

I'm also reclusive. Back in 1999, when I showed my first one act play to my acting teacher, he invited me to a party. I wasn't able to attend and this should not have been perceived as a snub. I don't think that missing a social function should have cost me a whole one act play, but apparently it did. So I was discriminated against for being reclusive. Is it legal to discriminate against someone for being reclusive? I'm not sure if the law covers that one. Maybe it should.

At least I know that being discriminated against on the basis of creed is illegal and I can't think of a clearer example than in how my position against the foreign policy of George W. Bush's Christian Fascists was held against me, leading directly to three to eight years of continuous broadcast fraud committed with thousands of my erased blog posts, as well as scores of my songs. I guess the Christian Fascists thought it served me right for disagreeing with them.

Who does NBC want to put in front of their cameras? Do they want to create a TV show for me after I authored most of their comedy content that was used from 2007 to at least 2010? As far as I can tell, NBC discriminates against artists like myself in favor of frauds and social climbers. It seems like everyone who ever knew me or stole something from my online posts has been getting big breaks on TV ever since Jay Leno invited the Shards to come onto his show and play my song Virtue in 2007. I busted my ass to write and share the thing and these slimy creeps got all the love and the admiration on NBC. I had to write the fucking thing twice from scratch over an eight year period and I'm still waiting for someone on TV to acknowledge my existence.

Does the U.S. president see how much unfair discrimination I have been putting up with in my life? I'm sure he knows how it feels to be unfairly discriminated against and I believe he was voted into office to help us end this cruel injustice and overcome this barrier to truth and progress. In the meantime, all I can do for my part is to live through yet more unfair discrimination.

I'm sure it is horrible to experience racial discrimination, but visible minorities may find support and sympathy from each other. In my case, I am the only one in history who must experience such a peculiar form of discrimination that attacks artists who grew up in small towns because they tell the truth and possess superior talent and do not want to sell their souls to a wicked broadcasting industry. I'd rather be discriminated against for being black than be discriminated against for wanting to keep my soul.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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