Sunday, December 20, 2015

Are You Reading This?

Are You Reading This?
I've added more examples of statements I erased from my 1999-2007 account that ended up in George Carlin's HBO standup routine to my recent statement entitled George Carlin's Plagiarism. What does Bill Maher think about them? Does he think I'm lying? Why doesn't he tell the police to come and take me to jail for committing web fraud? Has he been broadcasting any clips of his deceased friend ripping off my blogs in the last five years? I'll be visiting with lawyers to find out if he has. And I'll be taking severe action against him and his show if he's trying to keep his friend's memory alive at my expense.

Bill Maher wants you to think that the police just let me go online everyday and reclaim more and more of what used to appear on television as the copyright protected property of corporations. He thinks no one believes me. If that were true, I'm sure I'd be dead for falsely accusing so many popular stars of filthy fraud. No, I think my argument makes quite a lot of sense. I'm alone and Bill and his buddies are just a bunch of predators who attack me because they think I'm weak.

And by their cowardly character assassinations and evil fraud, they've managed to keep me alone through this whole ordeal. I could use a phone right now, but if locals listen carefully to my post of Friend in Need, maybe they'll recall hearing its chorus playing on that Telus TV commercial back in 2008 - twenty times a day. So if you can't trust the phone company, you just have to do without a phone. And you won't find out that your mom died until a week later.

Does Maher think I'm crazy for saying I heard voices? Dateline should play that show for them about stars who knew they were going to be big. Sid Caesar was among the stars interviewed. He looked up to heaven and said he heard 'the celestial choir'. Why was this news in November 2007 and 'crazy' now? And does anyone recall that web musician they invited on there? He was big, all right - for five minutes! Dateline took care of his star, eh? Poor fucker hung himself after going on that show. I'm glad I didn't make the same mistake. I still have a future. Oh, and Bill, how did I know that that musician killed himself in 2009? I just know, that's all. I can't explain it. And my faith in God is very similar.

Are any of these greasy TV shows still ripping me off? All we have to go by is what I've already rewritten. I don't know about you, but I heard a commercial on the radio promoting Nickleback with the chorus of Fool's Paradise right up to the middle of 2014 - just before I inadvertently rewrote it and re-posted it. So whatever good content you might find on the TV shows I've accused might very well just be something else I shared in the past. Does the Georgia Straight remember the past? Like that 90's cartoon I sent them with the title Who Ripped Me Off? If the media is just going to keep burying the past, why should we pay any attention to them in the present?

I received my first putdown as a motherless person this morning. As usual, it was from a total stranger who recognized me in the street. So I guess I'm not going to get any breaks from these kind of people, no matter how tragic my circumstances might be. It seems to be more important for a bunch of manipulating broadcasters to avoid admitting their fault in a huge and grotesque crime.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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