Thursday, December 31, 2015

Should Old In-Patients Be Forgot

Should Old In-Patients Be Forgot
NEXT BLOG: Chaos and Cartoonery.

I'm going to close this blog now, even though I probably have more leftover works to restore from the past. I've run out of room on this one.

I'll start 2016 with a new blog called Chaos and Cartoonery. Hopefully, I won't have too many more old thoughts to repeat in the new year.

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery/Dumb's the Word

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery/Dumb's the Word
Does anyone recall how I tried to assert my ownership of the Austin Powers character with these cartoons in 2007? I don't think I drew too many of them but they turned out pretty good. I'll have to play around with them a little more. This one has the same type of hand lettering I used in my originals. I picked up the style from vintage concert posters on the conveyor belt of a paper recycling plant in 2005. Then Mike Myers picked it up from my pocket. Happy New Year anyway.

More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2015. Words and images by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Balogne Bulletin

The Balogne Bulletin/30-12-15
I felt that ground tremor last night as I worked on this. We get a lot of them here, which may have caused me to share a similar post before. Just check with Saturday Night Live's seasons spanning plagiarized content of the last ten years. Those criminals did not author a single word of my thousands of scripts.

Today on the Balogne Bulletin, since 12:01 am, a lengthy ground tremor, convulsive enough to topple a house of cards, has thrust local seismologists in the limelight. Asked if it indicates approaching doom, they said that they must first fly elsewhere to look at the problem from a distance.

I.T. giant Microchip is adding two thousand skilled workers to its payroll for its compound in the Nevada desert. Their job will be to use company software to do their jobs for them.

The boost in cushy jobs suggests that the economy may be overdeveloped. However, homeless addicts continues to complain about methadone shortages.

An aluminum door was bent and two workers injured at a peanut butter plant by a rampaging elephant that escaped from the zoo. The two ton 'Daisy' is safely back in captivity after she slipped on the way out and fell into the path of a high caliber tranquilizer gun.

A landlord wants legislative changes made to allow him to more effectively terminate the leases of his deceased tenants. Without it he fears that his units will grow too haunted.

And on the eve of New Year's Eve, an innovative writing utensils concern offers a new product to help us keep our New Year's resolutions: a pen filled with disappearing ink. Happy 2016.

More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2015. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Grave Misunderstandings

Grave Misunderstandings
I better clear up something else for those Seal fans who want Seal to have the song I wrote when I thought my mom was dead. Is that my stupid mistake, Seal fans? How are your moms? Do you want the whole explanation now? Okay, you asked for it. Bad News is the title of an e-mail I received from home on two occasions. The first, in 2007, bitterly criticized me for causing my mother stress and ended with the phrase your mom is dead, to indicate that she was exhausted. And stupid me! I thought that when I was told that my sick, eighty-one-year-old mother was dead that she was really dead! What an idiot, eh?

And where would this e-mail be now? Gee, I think my e-mail address was back then. So Telus would have that old inbox. You know, Telus, the ones with that commercial with the cute little critter against the white field. They wouldn't let me reopen my old e-mail account in 2008. I bet Seal enjoyed it. As for myself, I have an identically titled email with similar content in my current inbox at g-mail to explain the inadvertent reappearance of Bad News to me.

When you have someone crooked working on the server side like that, imagine the possibilities. They can take all my praise and shower it all over one of their personal favorites. They can give the illusion of my popularity to anyone they want just by steering all the gratitude in their direction, away from me.

I better get to work on my little summary of my recording year in my chronology of my recordings. Does anyone ever read that? You can see the dates of my new recordings, which I have listed online with my lyrics, my name and my copyright notice so that you can tell when some new prick has come along to try and be the next Crystalids.

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Hitless Wonders

Hitless Wonders
I woke up this morning unable to suppress my rage. I found myself howling in protest over the way I have been treated by these evil fuckers on television. How are those Seal fans out there? Do they think I should give Seal back 'his hit'? Oh, so he had a hit with the song I wrote for my mom when I thought she was dead? And you Seal fans think he deserves to keep it now that she just died? Well, maybe Seal shouldn't have fans if they're going to be so fucking INHUMAN.

Those mind altering broadcast signals must really fuck up people's heads when they're loaded with stolen intellectual property. That must be why it's illegal. You wouldn't know it was illegal to steal songs when you look at the enormity of the fraud committed with my work over the last ten years. You'd think that stealing my work was the gateway to public acclaim. And then the stars are caught and punished in prison and the media hides it from us. They'll do the same thing when the misled fans of these bogus stars follow in the footsteps of their idols and go to prison themselves. It's not safe to trust your TV or radio.

Back in early 2010, I was hearing a lot of talk about how I never wrote a hit. Let's line up all the stars who stole my songs and see which one of them has written a hit in the last ten years: Seal, Nickelback, Beyonce, The Crystalids, Taylor Swift, The Rolling Stones, Oasis, The Shards, Coldplay, Madonna, Leonard Cohen. Seal is such a superstar, right? Did he write any hits? Beguiled? No, I wrote that. Bad News? No, that's mine, too. Okay, how about Nickleback? Fool's Paradise? No, I wrote that. Beyonce? No, I wrote Under My Umbrella. The Crystalids? No, I wrote all one hundred of their songs, including Size. Taylor Swift? I wrote Spellbound, Special, Respect, Dignity, and any other good song she unlawfully claims as her own. The Rolling Stones? No, I wrote Nothing but Ashes. Oasis? No, I wrote Fortune. The Shards? No, I wrote Virtue and Lifeless. Coldplay? No, I wrote Canopy and Fool. Madonna? Whatever that gibberish was that she was muttering onstage here in 2008 was probably one of my works, though she did have some limited success with that song she crooned in 2007 about 'drawing her picture.' Leonard Cohen? No, I wrote Buck Henry.

So what are we left with here but a bunch of hitless wonders that the TV wants to peddle as stars so it can make money. And is it normal for people to hate and abuse authors of their favorite songs? CBC, is that normal? I guess after you guys had such a good time celebrating my mother's death with Seal since 2007, there's nothing left for the poor dear now that she's really gone. You think you know it all but look at you now. I warned you in 2007 not to use that song because I wanted it for my mother when she passed on but you arrogant twits know it all. You think your silly little jobs are more important than anything else and you can't even do them right.

You broadcasters are lucky that music offers me an outlet for my feelings, otherwise I'd be dreaming up some way to drive by your headquarters with a Ryder truck packed with explosive fertilizer. But if you keep twisting my passion around with your crimes to provoke malicious hate from your audience, I might just stop writing and start bombing. I can see what is at the root of these horrible mass murders you're so fond of reporting to the world: your evil, lying, manipulating, criminal broadcasts. You turn decent people into monsters and set them out to destroy themselves by attacking their own favorite authors - the ones who have the courage to call their attention to your outrageous behavior.

None of your 'stars' have any balls. They're mostly a bunch of boring wimps who only know how to suck corporate cock. The only reason anyone thought they were cool was because of your support of their greasy fraud with my work. And I, for one, won't 'forget' about it until I have my way with all of you in court.

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Old Stars Fear New Talent

Old Stars Fear New Talent
The banks are still closed but the good old public library is open. I'm back for more HTML work to make my lists of violations of my copyright more effective. I may compile all of them into one long list for legal reference, but first I have to be sure that I'm caught up with all my old posts.

Did you folks hear about this new indy hit on the internet? I did. I guess that's because I don't watch the lying TV and I can't be manipulated into supporting bums who want everything for stealing their best songs and laughs.

I'm glad that the Vancouver Sun told me how Seal gave Justin Bieber his big break. That explains a lot. I don't think Seal helped Bieber out of any desire to nurture new talent. If Seal thought Bieber were that talented, he would have stolen Bieber's songs. Seal doesn't help anyone but Seal. He helped Bieber because he wasn't intimidated by Bieber's talent. He only wants to help musicians who he considers to be his inferiors, in order to preserve his own unjust position as a star.

Who else did Seal help to sail past me on YouTube since he stole my music? Beyonce? Did Seal 'discover' Beyonce, too? Or was that Madonna - shortly after she made sure I couldn't recall any of my old songs by spying on me as I innocently worked on her production in 2008? And did Madonna 'discover' Seal? How much has it cost music lovers so far to indulge this obnoxious need of old stars to stay forever in the limelight? You see that it cost rock fans several hours of some of their favorite radio songs. And if you removed all of the plagiarized content from almost every network in the last ten years, there would have been nothing left to look at but dead air half the time. But Saturday Night Live didn't fear the talent of that goof who stole my Christian blogs because they knew he was a fraud. As for me, well, they've made me very sorry that I ever shared my original humor on the internet. Unfortunately, it's too late to go back in time and keep my authoring genius to myself, so I guess the wicked broadcasters are just going to make me suffer all the way to my grave. If they could do it to my poor old mother, I'm sure they can do it to me.

Is Seal in a cell? Did someone drag him into a cell and punish him for his offense? You'll probably never find out from broadcasters who hide hit songs from you. That's all right, you people out there know what you like. You don't need the stupid TV to tell you.

I better hit the soup line before I get back to work. What sumptuous meal did Mike Myers enjoy today? I hope he chokes on it and dies.

[1:01pm:] Feel a little less light headed now. By the way, I actually don't need to eat in soup lines anymore for any other reason than to avoid spending my meager disability check. I'm halfway to the amount I need to achieve my aims.

I've received some feedback from a relative about my Christmas poem, calling it a nice tribute to my mother. I think of my last song post Bad News as an even better tribute to her. My mother was a very warm, positive person. She always smiled for everyone and wouldn't hurt a fly. That's why Bad News is such a happy sounding song, even though it's about a very sad experience. Seal deserves to have every bone in his body broken for stealing such personal property from me.

Time to get back to work on those links. I'll start with the notice at the top of Trimming of the Shrub. See all those Saturday Night Live violations? And do you see how many hundreds I've added to them since 2013? Maybe the networks can forestall their inevitable downfall by shunning my questions in their broadcasts, but when I put people on the stand and ask them my questions in court, if they 'plead the fifth' to avoid admitting the truth they're too fucked up to face, it won't impress the judge and jury.

In closing, let's hope that corrupt stars like Seal lose their privilege of deciding who the stars of tomorrow will be. Otherwise, the quality of music and comedy is just going to get worse and worse to protect their fame.

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (Pilot)

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery/Pilot
Here's an old cartoon from 2007 I never got a chance to share - or maybe I did briefly. But the stalking creep who swiped my sketchbook probably shared it on behalf of his idol Mike Myers. If anyone wants to fix Mike Myers's face so that it conforms more closely to the character he stole from me, please feel entitled to do so.

More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2015. Words and images by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.