Sunday, September 13, 2015

Without Mercy

Without Mercy
I regret to have to tell you a few things that I already covered in previous posts, but I am forced to do so for my protection. I think that another illegal post of my reject video Without You has appeared online in the last week or so. Please flag it down. The person who posted it did so to make me look bad because it shows me singing for a stacked crowd of Crystalid fans in 2009 at a small venue and my voice falls a little flat on the first line from singing below my normal range. I know that the culprit in this violation is the same one who posted it in 2013 (see my statements index Take It Down) and who has repeated this violation several times over the last three years. No one else would bother to post it because they would be satisfied with their download of this embarrassing video, which I never intended to share with the world. There is a considerable gang of malevolent stalkers like this young woman here who have made my life very difficult since I came back online in 2010. I might be better off in a snake pit.

The only authorized videos of me playing my songs are available through this internal link: Sound Seclusion. If you see me playing anything else and/or anywhere else, please flag it down.

Nor do I wish to write about the antics of Taylor Swift, a silly tart with the imagination of a Sears catalog, but I have been hearing steady reports of violations of Respect, Special, Survival, Careful, and It's Not You, the last of which the offender likes to call It's Not Yours. They are all my songs and if this is a new offense, I must ask why Taylor Swift is not in prison to put an end to her crimes as was so handily done in the case of the Crystalids. Does it save her to keep her violations of my three minute songs under a half hour total? Please put her in prison.

I also heard that Innocent was playing on another web page by yet another repeat violator of my copyrights. Please flag it down and incarcerate the offender.

I will probably not be using any of these songs, at least to get myself started, since I am more enthusiastic about my more current efforts. I worked harder on my new songs and I think they sound a little better. All the same, I shouldn't have to suffer so many false accusations of my incarceration and 'punishment' merely because some fool unilaterally copied and pasted my work or made their own video out of it and posted it onto an outside web page, especially after having repeated myself on this topic so many times over the last five years.

I recall reading that the entertainment industry loves artists. If so, it may at first express this love with unspeakable cruelty and hate, as has been the case with me since as far back as 1999. I know that I have been sharply critical of the industry but I do not hate it. I have been deeply hurt by the treatment I have received at its hands and often can't help but cry out in protest and pain. I am not a hateful person or I would be incapable of attracting listeners and readers to my work. Ironically, the favoritism shown by so many violators of my copyrights for committing their crimes with my works was actually a response to my love for them, which is what made my works appeal to them.

Continuous offenses against my work and image make me furious and may mislead you into thinking I hate violators of my copyrights. I don't hate them, I just get upset with them. If they are locked away somewhere at the moment, I am concerned that they may be in dire need of love. The chimes of the neighboring cathedral remind me that it's Sunday and I would invite the faithful among you to join me in a prayer for these people. Pray that they will turn from their selfish pursuit of a Heaven made of arrogance, deceit, and hate, and by the grace of Almighty God, find the real Heaven of truth and beauty and love.
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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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