Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Necessary Evils

Necessary Evils
I want to write something positive about this situation so that people can have some hope about my future: good often comes from evil. The destructive power of the atomic bomb at first struck fear into people's hearts. But we owe our avoidance of disastrous world wars to the invention of this diabolical weapon, for we fear any escalation of international disputes that would result in global annihilation. Ironically, we owe the comparative peace enjoyed by the generations that have followed World War Two to the unthinkable scenario of global thermonuclear war.

On the same note, the spiritually destructive power of copyright fraud with my internet posts has been proven and we have survived its first volley. As long as I can survive to bring my act to you in person over the next year or so, we will be able to head confidently into an age where any further use of such unconventional weapons will be as unthinkable as using nuclear weapons. This has been a long, arduous struggle of my truth against countless lies. My victory over these lies will be a victory for all humanity. It will reinforce our faith in our enlightened, democratic principles of truth and justice. Perhaps we needed to endure this terrible crime against truth to help us to appreciate truth and to teach us how much work is required to protect truth. Furthermore, some of my best works have arisen from being subjected to this horrible crime, such as my poem, The Servant, which may compare favorably to the poetry of one of my favorite bards, William Blake. It is a poem which I believe will enrich the lives of its readers for many years to come and it owes its creation to my worst misery.

However, while my greatest works may depend on such misery, my truth will depend on my success with my work, which ironically enough, may co-opt my creative urge somewhat by making me far more comfortable. Perhaps at some point in the future, I may be forced to disguise myself as a common person and return to the streets of Vancouver to draw more inspiration from this misery I so creatively express in the present.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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