Sunday, September 27, 2015

Beggars and Schmoozers

Beggars and Schmoozers
It's Sunday again and that always gets me thinking about God and God's perfect love. I identify this love in the figure of Christ, who demonstrated its power by forgiving his enemies for crucifying him, leading ultimately to his own eternal glory. Before he died, George Carlin stole mountains of statements from me to make up his last three standup routines. One of the earliest was his 2006 plagiarizing of a bitter statement I shared while in the darkest throes of my atheism. It attempted to illustrate by numerous examples how a loving God would not punish us. I did not share it for a laugh, as was the case with much of what Carlin and other comedians stole from me since I started sharing my thoughts on Blogger in 1999, but apparently crowds found it amusing. This pleasure has so far torn a sixteen year chunk out of my happiness which can't be made up for in any way I can imagine on this corrupt planet.

Let me now tell you who loves you. Your parents love you, at least, in the case of the vast majority of you. Loving is giving and parental sacrifice on behalf of offspring is a daily fact of our culture. And my parents were good parents because they corrected me when I did something wrong. They punished me because they loved me and they wanted to teach me that bad behavior leads to punishment. Better I be punished by their hand than by the brutal hand of the state. And that may be why I've stayed out of prison all my life, unlike so many of these star heroes. Do you think your TV loves you when it tells you how important you are? You'd find out how important it really thinks you are if you ever shared anything on the internet that could rival or surpass the quality of commercially broadcast content. How did my work get so popular in the first place? Did I do that all by myself? Seems to me that I must have had the support of millions of subscribers, all of whom should be nearly as insulted by the industry's crimes with my music and comedy as I am. Does the TV love you when it glamorizes fraud with my work? It sounds like they're behaving in the exact opposite fashion as a loving parent would or, indeed, as would a loving God.

One who loves you does not lie to you, but broadcasters have proven to me that Satan's seductive lies have far more commercial appeal than God's troubling truth. Maybe your business leaders don't care about such moral subtleties, but I'm going to be fifty very soon and I'm starting to feel my age. I'm starting to realize that I'm going to die and I want to die peacefully, with the knowledge that I did not waste my whole life in an artificial world of broadcast lies. I look forward to my passing from this world. I believe it was only constructed for temporary use and I hope I can withstand its onslaught of evil for the whole duration of the time I need to leave a sufficient warning to the generations of artists who follow me. With respect to my health, I expect my vitality to hold until my inevitable date with the musical stage. In the meantime, I've made some very positive and sensible lifestyle changes.

[4:20pm:] If you're one of these people whose supportive messages to me get drowned out by aggressive TV criminals and their gullible fans who like to surround me at close range, you needn't worry about my spirits. I'm feeling pretty good these days over all. The more I recall those weird childhood dreams I seemed to have about my future, the more I believe I must have been subconsciously prepared for the heartbreak that otherwise would have killed me by now. I clearly recall succumbing to tears as a child over the terrible news that I would grow up and have all my songs stolen from me. I didn't even know how to play the piano yet. But of course, this is just a theory and I might be confusing an old memory with something else. If it were true, however, it would explain why every effort that these fools have made to break my heart in the last ten or twenty years has ultimately only resulted in either making me shout in protest or simply laugh out loud. It would also explain how I am able to detach myself from my songs and other works when the criminal activity around them makes them too troubling to care about. These have proven to be useful advantages in my struggle. If for instance, my subconscious has endured the heartbreak of this crime in advance in all the years leading up to it, there would be nothing left for me to cope with but its shock, which on its own, causes me little discouragement. An essential part of my purpose, as I understand it, thanks to my superior writing skills, is to make information like this available to future online talent, which is why I must include it. Normal people may dismiss it.

Normal people might want to party with all the offenders I've listed above. They might think it would be fun. That might even be why my work still gets stolen and turned into fraud. As for me, I wouldn't enjoy partying with intellectual parasites. I certainly don't need them for a laugh or to lose myself in music, as they needed me. And I think of their Heaven as perhaps the lowest level of a multiple tiered structure. I think there is a higher Heaven than the one for which I was sold out. It would be far more exclusive, since its occupants would resent having to rub shoulders with dumb daytime TV hosts, frauds, and arrogant news reporters. If I go to any Heaven on this Earth, it will be that one. On the topic of arrogant news reporters, I've heard a little more detail about NBC's plan when everyone thought they were my heroes. They wanted to lure me onto the stage as a guest musician of a comedy program entirely composed of blog posts that had been stolen from me. It's a good thing I had the sense to tell that something was going on and revisit those Ottawa lawyers in January and February of 2013. Most of NBC's crime, consisting of hundreds if not thousands of violations of my copyrights, has since been exposed in the blogs I have shared in this account from late 2012 to the present, something the success of their evil plan would have made impossible for me to accomplish.

Now to discuss love as it exists in my work. The love in my work is not as apparent as that cloying variety one might get from Barney the Dinosaur, though I think my children's song Clouds, which I heard those Dateline girls celebrated, is somewhat related to it. The love I offer in most of my work is for more sophisticated consumers, though not necessarily age specific ones. It is my love of freedom that I express best in my music and poetry. I think that rock is the best musical format for this love because rock is rebellious and rebelling goes hand in hand with freedom. Beyond that, since I was limited to reading the Holy Bible by my devout mother from the age of six to about the age of eight, I have developed a deep love for the beauty of language. Lastly, I love composing. I believe that a strong work of music involves interplay between multiple instruments, rather than having a strong vocalist drowning out an almost non existent backing chord progression. I make a distinction between a song, which I consider a work of art, and someone singing a forgettable melody to a hand clap rhythm. I apply my composing talent to my works of humor, seeking the most effective, fulfilling way to resolve their flow of content, as though I were building up to the ending of a newly recorded original song each time. Anyone who loves my works probably shares these other loves with me. I expected them to comprise a much smaller group than the one I have been facing since 2007, but I may have initially underestimated the sophistication of the average consumer.
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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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