Sunday, August 9, 2015

My Filthy Truth

My Filthy Truth
Happy Sunday, everyone. I hope you're getting lots of rest on the Lord's day of rest. My relentless foes won't let me have any rest at all. Today I need to respond to an extremely unfair remark. Someone called my blogs 'filthy'. This is not the whole truth, but just the part of it that is intended to discourage you from reading my work. When discussing the 'filthy' aspects of my work, it's essential to distinguish filthy lies from filthy truth. My pious critic, in this case, found filthy lies acceptable to broadcast on TV and the radio for your children to consume, but he rejects my filthy truth.

I am not a reporter, and if my factual accounts accounts of the prosecutions and punishments of the many stars who stole my work are somewhat offensive, it may be because I lack a reporter's professional sense of discretion. I'd rather not report these things at all, but as a fraud victim for so many years, my life depends on doing so. I can only report the facts as they appear to me, and the details of the crimes committed against me are filthy. Their offences were sexual. The details of their punishments were unpleasant.

You will find almost no offensive language in my scripts, lyrics, or poems. My poems, in particular, are rather old fashioned and frilly. Girls like frilly things and their approval of my poetry is quite innocent. I only have one song that employs a profanity and I don't use it. I pursue the sublime in my lyrics and poetry, which lifts me free and clear of using course language in their construction. On the other hand, has my critic ever heard of Henry Miller? Henry Miller is a widely recognized giant of twentieth century literature. Another great author from his time, George Orwell, said that Miller's dependence on the obscene was at first repulsive. On closer examination, however, Miller won Orwell's praise. The filthy truth of Miller's life demanded filthy language in his work. Since this was established way back in the 1930's, it places the suffocating morality of my critic in an even earlier century.

George Carlin filled his last three standup routines entirely with statements he plagiarized from my first Blogger account. He even stole my poem Modern Man. He plagiarized me right down to my expletives and was loved for it by a public that would rather see filthy truth in its rawest form than sanitized beyond all recognition. And yet, the concealment of Carlin's massive fraud by the broadcasters who profited from it turned my filthy truth into one of the filthiest lies ever peddled by a commercial broadcasting network - one that would still be perverting hearts around the world if my critic had his way.

If a surgeon had the same attitude as my critic, he would be incapable of cutting into a patient. The inner workings of the human body would repulse him too much. Patients would lay uncured of diseases that were too filthy for their doctor. And the disease of malicious hate so widely spread by commercial broadcasters in illegal possession of my work for the at least the last ten years threatens to consume us all. For my own part, I started as a gentle, forgiving soul in 1999, when I opened my first Blogger account. Now I want violators of my copyrights burned at the stake.

So tell this critic where he can stick his pious attitude. I have work to do today. I need to create better titles for my statements. It's the kind of work that no one on TV seems to know how to do for themselves and this critic wants you to believe in them and reject me. It's time to silence this jerk and let me move on to the next one.
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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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