Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Attention Dateline: You'll Burn for Your Lies

Attention Dateline: You'll Burn for Your Lies
Sep 01, 2017: Following italicized parody lyrics re-posted for Blondie Hateful. Please flag his fraud video of my song Hot.

We-ell I heard it not from Dateline
That you said my songs were not mine
We-ell I hope you had a great time
If that dick of yours has just been signed!

Hey Dateline, how do you like my new song, Denial? Does it trouble you that I grew up in a small town and it doesn't sound like John Cougar Mellencamp?

When one of your viewers is duped by your show into thinking I'm powerless, they're always shocked to learn that I'm protected. Who do you hate more: me or the people who trust you?

Did it give you a lift to read that I don't want to play my song Hot anymore? I'll find the spirit to perform it when your show gets kicked off the air and you're standing in soup lines.

Do you think I'm trying to be funny when I accuse you of witchcraft? What do you call it when you take an empty suit like Jay Leno and bring it to life with stolen punchlines from my blogs? Do you say he's deceased now? And tell me, Dateline, what were you doing in 2011, shortly following your illegal punishing of that crooked band? Did I hear the words of my poem, the Porcupine Girls, being recited? Can you cast evil spells with truthful works like that when you have them in your possession against the will of their gifted author? Can you levitate objects with them?

How are all your corporate media comrades? Are you their leader? Have they broadcast any rhyming news reports lately or did they just do that in 2007 to support your lie that I was a fraud and help initiate three unbroken years of corporate crime? Remember that article about the world's funniest people from '08 or '09? It put Americans on top, led by Jay Leno. Was Canada even on the list? Is anyone less funny than arrogant dorks who want to be funny? Actually, yes: arrogant dorks who want to be funny by destroying a promising musician and poet.

Which news program plagiarized my script, Privileged Information? Was it you or CNN? Funny how your viewers will accept a comedy sketch on a news program before they'll accept it as my property in an account stuffed with original works of humor, especially when it effectively illustrates the true menace of your evil.

If you can't bump the truth off of the internet with your lies in this world, what good will your lies do you in the afterlife? You know what, Dateline? I think you'll burn for your lies. I think you'll burn like witches at the stake. Now get busy and drag as many of my readers as you can down to Hell with you so you won't have to suffer alone.
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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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