Thursday, August 6, 2015

Down with Arrogance

Down with Arrogance
I've retracted the word 'puny' from my last statement out of respect for all ordinary workers like my parents. It was not intended to hurt or offend such good, honest people, but it was meant to humble certain power tripping members of the corporate media. When I heard about the special privileges that they sold me out for, I lost my temper. It's always the ones who don't do anything to earn special privileges who want them the most, it seems. I think it's extremely wrong to reward this attitude.

When I try to humble the corporate media, I'm actually trying to lower their egos to a level compatible with my own. I do not consider my life to be in any way pivotal to history. I believe I could have lived and died by now without having any real impact on history's outcome. I'm just an artist, whose job is to merely interpret his time, not to shape it. The shaping of history is done by people with temporal power: kings and queens and [former] popes and politicians and generals. And a reporter's job is merely to record his time. Such reporters stepped over the line when they tried to reshape their time around their personal preferences by supporting those frauds who stole my songs, poems, and sketches.

What drew that nasty remark out of me was the thought of how many strangers lived in a universe of my construction while they went to work and got married and had children, all without paying the slightest respects to me. While I am of little or no significance to history, I am extremely important to my work. It would not exist without me. I can't believe that these strangers would crawl around through my heart like that and get so much out of it and then return these rewards with unspeakable hate. And their lingering stubbornness to offer me any credit for my achievements in the present insults me every day.

What kind of mental illness has television inflicted on the world to create the kind of monsters who rose to fame with fraud? I wouldn't want to be the star of Wayne's World because I didn't create it. Perhaps it's because I minimize television's evil influence on my mind. On the other hand, I do deserve to be the star of Austin Powers because I created him. Considering how much everyone loved what Mike Myers did with this creation of mine, I think I deserve a little more credit than being told that I 'sock' by Tina Fey on the television. And that's just what they said about me in front of the cameras. Just imagine what lies they spread about me in private. And I don't want to be the star of Satisfaction because someone else wrote that song, but I do deserve to be the star of Nothing but Ashes because it's my song about my life - a life that has been as far from the riches and glory of the Rolling Stones as Pluto is from the Sun.

While I may embarrass stars and reporters by exposing their prosecutions and punishments in this blog, at least I'm not lying. And I wouldn't dare falsely accuse anyone of sex crimes against children. My conscience would torture me to madness.

The corporate media were on a power trip with my work, which they knew was well received on the internet. They want propaganda and the best propaganda is truth. Truth doesn't need a sales pitch but is freely chosen by consumers. And this truth of mine, the same thing that had so many people around the world trusting me in 2007 that Dateline NBC had to stoop to lying and declaring me guilty of fraud behind my back in November of that year, was what corporate broadcasters used to turn all those who loved my work the most into my bitterest enemies. They committed a truly Satanic crime with it.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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