Saturday, August 8, 2015

Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again
Okay, now that I've left my flock with a spiritual message in my Coats from the Lost and Found blog, it's time to attend to the unpleasant business of this latest of daily rounds of ridiculous and tiresome attacks on my image and reputation. What's this I heard about my erased work? Did someone try to post something ugly and then put my name on it, saying I erased it? Or are the stars I prosecuted saying that they were free to commit fraud with my music and writing because I erased it? I guess they have finally realized that they can't get away with attacking my online posts and now they are trying their luck with erased ones. Maybe this signals the beginning of the end of a very long and wasteful struggle.

Hey, fans, are my critics ever slow, eh? How long does it take them to understand the most basic evidence when it sits in front of their eyes, year after year? So far it has taken five years and counting for some of them to make the connection between the disappearance of stars and shows from their precious TV's and the work that I have listed as previously shared in my indexes. What a bunch of slowpokes! Must be people from that 'lowest common denominator' so prized by the broadcasters who need a large group of stupid, gullible assholes that they can herd like cattle through the shopping centers. I wish they'd fuck off. I've told them to fuck off about a hundred times now and I still end up hearing their brainless feedback every day.

They think I'm too intelligent instead of thinking they're too stupid. Was Jim Morrison too intelligent? Was Isaac Newton too intelligent? What fools. They think a song needs less words in it to be more repetitive, otherwise it can't be catchy. Hitler would have agreed with them on that. He was very fond of repetition to drive home his insane ideology.

They still want to call me a hack over blogs that have been online in this account for years. How slow can you get? I've got an idea. Let's mock them in a script. I bet they're the first ones to take a creative illustration of this statement and tell everyone it's hacked. I bet you a billion dollars of the broadcasting business's money.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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