Monday, June 22, 2015

Patience Causes Old Age

Patience Causes Old Age
Of all my leftover gripes, I think the most persistent one is over being forced to wait. Does anyone like to wait? Isn't it stressful? Doesn't it wear on your mood? I'm sure I reach the vast majority of my readers when I say that waiting sucks. Having to wait for anything is an ordeal, but imagine having to wait for any one of the thousands of people involved in a crime that was committed against you behind your back to admit any fault or to offer any kind of compensation. Imagine having to wait for ten years, from the day the Georgia Straight first published your cartoon without including your name as its author, just for broadcasters to turn around and let every untalented, prematurely ejaculating social climber on the planet have all the rewards and all the LOVE for yet thousands more of your highly original, deeply intimate works of music and literature. Imagine having to wait through the added years of grief caused by this act of extreme cruelty, as your fans are tricked into hating you more than they hate serial killers, and without even knowing why your phone won't stop ringing with crank calls or why you can't go out in public without enduring jibes and putdowns and dirty looks. Then when you inadvertently expose one of these frauds and there is a sudden break in the inexplicable torrent of hate, imagine waiting to know what had happened in your favor. Imagine having inadvertently rewritten a hit song and then having to wait for others to tell you which song it was. Imagine them leaving you to figure it out for yourself on almost no information. Imagine uncovering more and more popular songs in this way over a five year period without anyone supporting you or telling you anything. Imagine waiting in a flophouse room that overheats in the summertime with nothing to think about but the riches that were showered upon others as a reward for stealing your work and lying to the world with it.

Imagine having to wait for eight years and counting to be recognized for authoring a song that made it onto the rock radio as fraud within hours of your sharing it on the web (Beguiled, Virtue, etc.). Clearly the broadcasters didn't want the Shards to have to wait even a minute to cheat me out of my profits and lie to the world with my popular music. And CBC's comedy friend didn't have to wait even twenty-four hours from the date I erased my 1999-2007 Blogger account to go on a stage and have himself videotaped 'performing' my words for YouTube. From there, he didn't have to wait to get himself a prominent place in the cast of Saturday Night Live. And yet all this happened while I waited for a single person out of the millions who favored my music and writing to offer me the slightest encouragement. So if you're a greasy criminal who just wants to use stolen music or comedy to rise above your peers and show off, you don't have to wait at all. The business practically comes running to your doorstep to get you out making money. But if you are a legitimate author, especially one who has been targeted by this sort of crime, all you ever seem to do is wait and wait and wait. And the waiting is made that much more stressful by the knowledge that the creeps who stole from you didn't have to wait at all.

I talked about waiting in a statement from my erased Blogger account in 2007. I talked about how much I hate it. I talked about how it drives me fucking crazy. And these broadcasting assholes have made fine use of the information I shared so honestly with the world. I'm quite sure they don't believe in God but I wouldn't be surprised if they worshiped the Devil. Don't bother waiting to ever learn one scrap of truth about them from their own lips. They're totally unlike me in that respect.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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