Monday, June 29, 2015

Famous Last Words

Famous Last Words
Browning: Good afternoon and welcome to Famous Last Words. I'm Samuel Browning. Today we'll be discussing the last poem left behind by the immortal Scotty McKippers, written on toilet paper and smuggled out of his prison cell by his loyal wife Bonnie. It has become widely accepted as one of the darkest reflections ever shared on the brutality of the police state, though my guest Felix Brommwell disagrees with this consensus. Why do you disagree, sir?

Brommwell: I don't see anything in his last poem to set it apart from his earlier lamentations.

Browning: You can't? What about
The blowtorch flame was the last thing I saw
As my balls imploded in a metal jaw

Brommwell: It sounds like he's just using new metaphors for old complaints.

Browning: Metaphors? Mister Brommwell, this man was tortured.

Brommwell: You can say that about any poet.

Browning: You don't think it sets him apart a little to have been tortured to death in a state institution?

Brommwell: Who says he was tortured to death?

Browning: He does! What do you think he meant when he wrote
'Tis better to by reckless driving expire
Than to hang by your ankles on electrified wire

Brommwell: I can't imagine what he meant by that, but he shouldn't encourage reckless drivers. At least his torture offered the hope of staying alive.

Browning: But he's dead! He died in captivity! They had to recover his scattered remains from the four corners of the Earth for his funeral!

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© 2007, 2015. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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