Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Right Republican

Christian Fascists Love Satan
The effect of mass electronic communications on the public mind may be most apparent in the example of the former Soviet Union's adoption of a 'glasnost' or 'openness' policy to enable the transition of Soviet citizens into a free society. Up until then, Soviet citizens were so brainwashed by mass electronic communications that many of them were incapable of independent thinking. The option had to first be made available to them and then a certain amount of time was required for them to undergo the change. Gorbachev left the satellite countries of eastern Europe to decide their own fate. When East Germans wanted to move to the west, he let East German officials decide for themselves how to handle it. When East Germans were permitted to cross the border, he complimented East German officials for independently arriving at the right conclusion, for it would have been wrong to shoot Germans for simply wanting to travel into the west and associate with other Germans. Do you see how effective mass electronic communications can be in intellectually crippling its dependents? East Germans needed extra time to arrive at a simple, obvious, common sense solution.

While the Soviet Union was restructuring its economy, citizens of these countries suffered terrible economic hardships, the likes of which no living memory exists of being suffered in this part of the world. They ran out of food and no one would offer any financial aid to encourage their progressive reforms. Some of the Communist hardliners took advantage of this by placing Gorbachev under house arrest and mobilizing tanks to try to restore the old system. But it was too late. The people had had enough time to learn how to think for themselves and decided to stand up to this brutal threat. In the old days, I gather, once the tanks hit the streets, people just automatically surrendered, with half the battle already having been fought and won by the constant government propaganda broadcasts.

And just like an East German border guard had been conditioned by mass communications to shoot at his fellow citizens if they tried to cross into West Germany, which is not a crime, many people under the influence of capitalist propaganda were conditioned to hate an artist for disagreeing with the some of the policies of the U.S. government. It wasn't a crime for me to criticize the aerial bombardment of innocent civilians in a developing country, but I was singled out as a fucking subversive by what turned out to be a mainstream party ruled by its fringe elements and they made the whole population hate my guts. And what really won the people over to their side was my honest music and poetry and humor in the hands of their frauds, which gave them the false appearance of being right when they were fucking totally WRONG the whole miserable time.

I don't think a real Republican administration would have supported such a dirty scheme. The U.S. administration of that time was the Christian Fascists, led by George W. Bush. They couldn't afford to campaign under their real name or no one would have voted for them. When are the mainstream parties going to expel these fringe elements? I think voters deserve to know what kind of government they are really voting for.

The source of my long dispute with power is my intuitive grasp of the true disposition of the people. I know that Americans are, for the most part, a pretty nice bunch. Then I see their warplanes bombing the fuck out of helpless civilians on the ground and I know that American power is acting unilaterally. Americans don't want to bomb poor people who already have next to nothing. And Americans don't want to gang up on a poor artist and turn all his music and writing into crime. This is power acting unilaterally, on its own behalf, and maybe the only reason I am alone in criticizing it is because our own corrupt mass media has done such a thorough job of crippling our intellectual freedom, in an attempt to make us yield to the financial elite, in the absence of any remaining Commissars.

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