Thursday, October 29, 2015

For Buck's Sake

For Buck's Sake
The first class Henrys were booked on a liner
Third born expected in weather much finer
Stayed home stuck, a reef the boat struck
And for their good fortune they named the boy Buck

As a young lad his pa took him gaming
Buck hit a goose and it tumbled down flaming
A murderous glint went into his eye
His purpose was clear: to make living things die

He killed the head chef, killed the headmaster
Killed the chauffeur who refused to drive faster
And once he reached responsible age
His factories itched for the wars he would wage

He killed with bombs and killed with legions
Depopulated entire regions
Finally the slaughter was done
So he crashed a reception and killed all the fun

Copyright 2007, 2014. Verses by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

When I first wrote the above in 2007, it was really just a lark. I thought it would be a laugh to write about a homicidal maniac who was born into the upper class and whose money gave him leave to murder hundreds of thousands of people. Naturally, the image of Dick Cheney, whose body count in Iraq had reached six figures by then, asserted itself over my work. My fictitious character's name, Buck Henry, resembles his name for that reason.

We don't really know very much about Dick Cheney. He is a shadowy figure who tends to illicit fear. The last I heard about him in 2008 was that he owned large portions of the entertainment business. Popular music and clever comedy make excellent propaganda tools for war aims, and I'm sure his and Bush's war machine coveted my work in 2007. My Buck Henry is a fictitious character and I dreamed up his whole life. I also told everyone that Dick Cheney was my inspiration for this evil character. Did Leonard Cohen tell you the same in the seven years he was wrongly credited as this work's author? I doubt it if he was paid by Dick Cheney's record label to steal it from me.

When I went online today to search for Buck Henry lyrics, I was hoping to find a surviving copy of my original work, which includes a few more verses than my current post. Originally, I stretched out the story with more murders. It's always a struggle for me to reproduce old poems from scratch and I'd just as soon avoid it by finding my old work online and copying and pasting it back into my possession. So far, I've not been able to find any of my old lyrics or poems before I already went ahead and inadvertently rewrote them. So those extra verses will have to wait until I have more time to work on them.
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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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