Monday, October 19, 2015

Common Dread

Common Dread
I have just arrived from the polling station. Don't worry, Jenny, you got my vote. It looks like you'll need it by the sparse turnout this morning. It would have been a close call between you and the Marxist-Leninist candidate until I heard that he was an atheist and a Bill Maher fan. As apparently the only Chinese candidate for my riding, I think you'll probably win. If so, I agree with the rechinafication of Chinatown, as long as I don't have to pay for my cosmetic surgery. However, I think we should have a referendum on Bill 451F. Some people think the gassing of pigeons is too radical. We may only need to starve them.

Are there any Bill Maher fans here today? Did they come here for a laugh? I would have thought they'd be all laughed out from Maher's hilarious performance. Did the police get a chance to interrogate Bill Maher before he left the country? As a close friend of the late George Carlin, he has a lot of information about the crimes that have been committed by stars with my blogs over the years.

Some comedy fans may make the mistake of disassociating me from my former posts as a staunch atheist, which extended from 1999 to halfway through 2007, before the criminal interference put up by broadcasters, which bears an eery resemblance to their current behavior, drove me from the internet almost clear to 2010. You all witnessed what happened in the years between. I've spent every day of the last five years trying to recover from their countless crimes against my work and image. I started out as a staunch atheist who thought I was helping the public to think more clearly by eliminating God from their minds. That was when I first came up with the material George Carlin stole from me and used in his standup routine on the topic of atheism towards the end of his life. (I hope he stayed an atheist on his deathbed.) He didn't just steal the bit about how a loving God wouldn't punish us, word for word, straight from my erased posts, but everything he said on the topic of atheism in the last three years of his life. Yes, including that line about how creation looked more like the work of an office temp with a bad attitude [than of a perfect divinity]. Yeah, cute. Look at me now. I reject it all. And I've posted some very powerful arguments to explain how a loving God could indeed punish us and that it is for our own good. I wish I had never shared my less informed opinions on the subject and I could have been spared a lot of silly arguments with these bad comedians who must feel more secure in a Godless world.

This kind of humor clashes with the blogs I shared in 2007, when I had a very similar spiritually transforming conversion experience to the one I reported in 2010 in my Coats from the Lost and Found blog. My original Coats- blog held most or all of my Christian humor, which was stolen by a local jerk who CBC staff thought was delightful. They thought he was so delightful that after he got kicked off of Saturday Night Live, they helped him get back on a local stage for a Shakespeare production in 2013, which he used to get himself a gig to commit yet more standup fraud with my posts. The next thing I heard about him was that he went to prison in 2013. I wish I could remember his damn name. These are the kind of performers that broadcasters like CBC have bent over backwards to hand you with my work for as long as I've been freely sharing it on Blogger. In spite of the lies you must be told to support such horrible fraud, I must repeat that I am the author of both Carlin's atheist routine and this other prick's Christian routine.

I'm not interested in a career as a comedian and at least I can keep my music offline. I've added another completed music project to my unshared set. It's not quite as sensational as my last unshared work, but it makes a very good, intelligent dance number. I hope I can write enough music in the next while to be able to face my first crowd with all new songs. It seems to be the only way I can stay ahead of all the web fraud. Do you think I'm tooting my own horn when I call my own song sensational? Actually, authors of hit songs possess a special gift known as 'ears'. We can detect hit songs without having to see them listed in the charts first. This is a well known and documented industry fact. When I say I wrote a sensational new song, it's because my 'ears' told me so. It's more objective than it looks.

[1:29 pm] After overhearing some fellow commuters on the Skytrain talking about 'politics and religion' as though they were taboo topics, I wish to remind all that we are not here for a tea party. I think it is also worth mentioning that many crooked performers made a lot of money from my discussions on politics and religion by selling my work as stand-up comedy to adoring crowds. I have been inundated with taboo subject matter since the corporate media withdrew its support for my copyright claims in retaliation for my prosecution of a culpable Dateline host, one of their precious own. They must consider my mention of incarcerated stars and punished broadcasters to be an indulgence in a taboo subject. You'd never know about their offenses if it weren't for my own brave, solitary efforts here on Blogger. Speaking of punished broadcasters, I should amend something I wrote earlier about a formerly incarcerated offender. I heard that a certain George had went to prison and stated the offender as being possibly either George W. Bush or George Strombopoulos. It turns out that this George was George Carlin in 2007. Now I recall my first post of my poem Shorty Suffuse. This lampoon of a dishonest performer was inspired by an earlier report that Carlin had been incarcerated. That was when I learned that he had a heart condition, which helped me to construct a fitting ending for my poem. In 2014, however, I ended the same poem with retrospective information. Judging from Carlin's prominence since 2007 with material he stole from my blogs, Bill Maher must have kept the news about the incarceration of his friend to himself. He'd make a fine NBC reporter.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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