Wednesday, October 28, 2015

CBC Hurts Canada

CBC Hurts Canada
Like all humans, I occasionally break down and lose hope. My whole adult life seems to consist of one continuous insult directed against me by the misuse of my work, and now that I am about to turn fifty, I can see my future shrinking by the day. Nonetheless, I will survive this horrible ordeal and live on to happier times. As tempted as I am to commit suicide, since I would expect even Hell to be a better world than this one, I want to be a source of hope for others and I can't achieve that from the grave. You may take my Coats from the Lost and Found blog seriously, though I am not a preacher. This blog is intended to reach out to other persons of faith like myself and show them how I use my personal faith to help me face and overcome life's difficulties. That is all it is. It is not an outline for a new religion. Germans, it is not an attempt to found a cult. It is just someone explaining how his faith works for him. That's it. And there is a note at the top of that blog explaining what it is and inviting non believers to read something else. I want no part of their silly debate. My faith is personal. There is no room for debating it.

My work is also personal. My work used to be the source of my pride until I shared it on the web. Then when it was stolen by CBC's friends, they turned my pride into shame and humiliation. It's remarkable how they managed to take every nice thing I shared in sixteen years and turn it into a bleeding wound. My back has more knife holes in it than Julius Caesar's. How powerful they are: as powerful as a plague bomb. But I think that Canadian culture is in very big trouble with such irresponsible people holding the keys to our national legacy.

When I speak of Canadian culture, some Americans may laugh out loud. Why is that, CBC? Why do they they think the idea of Canada having its own culture is humorous? Did you CBC staff read that newspaper story about the 'world's funniest people' back in 2008 or 2009? It put the U.S.A. at the top, with Jay Leno listed as the funniest man on Earth. Many of the other names on the list were violators of my online copyrights. I'm not sure if Canada even made the list. CBC, I'm Canadian. What's your problem with me? If you people did your jobs right, it would have been Canada on top for a change, but you sold me out to foreign nationals for your own selfish gain.

What do you suppose Mick and Keith's hurt fans might have said when I tried to lay claim to my Nothing but Ashes? They probably said something like '...a Canadian isn't clever enough to write lyrics like that.' CBC, do you see how your crime hurt Canada yet? Can you see past your own faces in the mirror yet? Are you still trying to pin your shame on me? How long are you going to be able to keep it up? I'll blog here for the rest of my life if I have to. The longer you deny your culpability, the more I will write against you, so that by the time I die, all that will remain of your memory will be my account of your abominable behavior. You think it's bad now? I'm sure I've been holding back the very worst of it, in the interests of good taste.

CBC, I'm a Canadian poet like Leonard Cohen. You love Leonard Cohen, don't you? Did you notice that he stole one of my poems? If a poet like Leonard Cohen wants my poetry, he must think I'm a poet, too. Why don't you assholes treat me with the same respect you show other Canadian poets? If you hurt a Canadian poet, you hurt Canadian culture. And if you hurt Canadian culture, you hurt Canada. I can't believe I have to explain this to people who are entrusted with broadcasting our national news. I may take up residence in another country before I die, but I have made no secret of my Canadian background and that means that my accomplishments will honor this country. And it will be no thanks to the CBC. If I were a newly elected prime minister, I would launch a comprehensive investigation of the CBC to root out every last rotten egg among them and expel them from broadcasting for the good of the country.
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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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