Thursday, October 8, 2015

Corporate Tyranny Sucks

Corporate Tyranny Sucks
I watched part of a CBC documentary about how modern marketing is appealing to preteen girls with questionably racy new fashions. Is this still popular? I think it's from that period when TV stars who stole my blogs had everyone in the world thinking I was a pervert. There I was working at UBC, surrounded by thousands of students who all thought I was a child molesting monster, setting up the stage for a performance by one of the bands that stole my songs. What an absolute nightmare. In this documentary, a man lectured on the psychological hazards of consuming too much web porn to an auditorium full of students who probably all knew my face and hated my guts at the time merely because my music or my comedy was in the wrong hands.

And now the culprits want us to believe that riches and stardom were only possible through the ugly theft of my work. Not so. My work sells itself and would make a star out of just about anyone with above average acting or singing skills. It was my popular work that made these jerks stars first, before a TV camera was ever pointed at them. All the broadcasters did was legitimize their crime, turning me into a criminal in the eyes of the world. Broadcasting corporations did not create stars with my work, they only enabled fraud with it. Riches and stardom don't count when they come from filthy crime.

Irresponsible broadcasting corporations get to trample all over me and ruin my life for twenty years. Don't we have any rights as citizens? Wealthy corporations and stars just waltz right in and kick the shit out of me when my back is turned and, above all, when I'm innocent. It looks like they can burn down decades of my happiness and try to blame me for their crimes afterwards. Do my parents have rights? They didn't even want me to be an artist. I can't blame them when I consider how broadcasting corporations have punished them for my talent.

Yeah, they think it's okay to leave me complaining about the living conditions in the downtown eastside of Vancouver after they made millions out of my talent. They think it's all right to fuck around with our hearts when we put out for a performer who pleases us. What a bunch of creeps. This is not the kind of problem you can solve with an election either. We've had four of them since it started.

We need to get rid of all these bad stars and rotten broadcasters. They've had their fucking horrible party with my work. I know all about their God damn hate/sex parties. I should be in a fucking hospital from their abuse. Oh, I better not describe it too effectively or it will end up in a fucking monologue on TV, right? Fuck! Here I am going through all this misery and it's all because a bunch of idiots needed to be funny when they only knew how to read my blogs. I consider these hateful 'actors' a barrier to my musical success and I hope I'll find a lawyer who can further help me with the necessary destruction of their shows, their reputations, and their ill gotten financial assets.

If she's reading, I'd like to take this opportunity to inform my publicly elected MP that corporate tyranny sucks. I'd rather collect all the money that corporations made from their thousands of violations of my online posts over the last eight years than collect disability for corporate abuses that I thought were illegal. But you just wave that flag. Cover up the truth with more bullshit. Have a great and pointless election.

[8:11pm:] This evening I viewed a library DVD called The God Who Wasn't There, to which I offer my rebuttal in my new post to my Coats from the Lost and Found blog entitled The God Who Had Long Hair.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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