Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Democracy at Once!

Democracy at Once!
For the equal time rebuttal to this argument, see my Up the Republic! post of August 11 in this blog.

(Today's guest speaker on Democracy at Once! is acclaimed internet author and song writer, Fuzzy Zithers, dearly known by his followers as Uncle Fuzz.)

Do you want democracy now? Do you really? I don't believe you. I think you just want your car and your home and your job. You can't have democracy and capitalism at the same time. Democracy favors the whole population while capitalism only favors a few spoiled pricks. Capitalists are predators. What kind of a foolish society invites the wolves to live with the sheep? How about that last president? Straight from the country club, not a brain cell in his head. He and his buddy started unnecessary wars, altered the constitution, and lied to you and the whole world with stolen words and music. And who got rich while they were in power? Oh, the banks? Did the banks need to get rich? You call this democracy? If this were a democracy, we'd have that prick and his buddy hanging naked by their ankles in this studio right now for your amusement.

I had to settle for this life sized cardboard cutout I got from one of those schools in the Bible belt. If you coat your knuckles with grape juice, you can almost get the same pleasure you would from punching his real face. (Demonstrating) See? Pay close attention now. (Repeating the angry gesture.) This may be the closest you come to seeing social equality in your lifetime. Of course, cardboard burns easily, but I'll save that until the head has completely worn off.

Yes, democracy tries to be civil but the true spirit of democracy is, as the French proved, violent. Where's that angry mob that wanted to burn down my home when they thought I stole my songs and my blogs? Shouldn't they be razing Hollywood to the ground? We're not going to get anywhere against these conniving slimeballs unless we show them we mean business. In France, the government fears the people. But here the people are constantly anesthetized by soft drinks and blinking lights. We need some angry mobs out there to get this democracy back on its feet. Police, you can arm them with nightsticks. And someone should be sharpening up the guillotine.

Do you want to know who to beat up first? Start with that asshole of a stranger sidling up to you, who supported the use of my music and comedy to brainwash you against me and who now wants you to hate me for alerting you to his evil and for defending myself. Tell him he asked for it. He's probably complaining about how I'm not enough of a cocksucker. Or go after the ones who always want to credit others for my achievements. There's such a person right now trying to credit someone besides myself for my survival. I think these backstabbers already had enough fun crediting so many of their prison friends with authoring my work, don't you?

You see how corporations operate? They put the whole population in a collective coma with mind altering broadcast signals and then pick us off one by one. No one bothers to put up any protest until it's too late. How many working people lost their homes to the wealthy banks in the last ten years? I bet they're on my side now. And I bet they were against me until they lost their homes.

Democracy demands wisdom, which in turn, demands knowledge. America kept its blacks suppressed for centuries by placing limits on their education. We need no such limit today to keep the ruling elite secure with the obscene privileges they hold over common citizens. Television is so fucking stupid and mind numbing that it automatically subtracts at least twenty IQ points, especially targeting children. Try to find something intellectually stimulating in prime time outside of the 'educational' (Grade 8) channels. Good luck.

Oh, but you better not watch this. You might lose your job. Ha! Some great democracy. Maybe you should get back to work and blindly obey the commands of whomever has more money than you. If so, don't call yourself a democrat because you're really just a working-class plutocrat devoted to your own destruction at the hands of your masters.

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© 2007, 2015. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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